Creg points out the risk of large-scale blackouts: the overproduction of solar energy to blame

Creg points out the risk of large-scale blackouts: the overproduction of solar energy to blame
Creg points out the risk of large-scale blackouts: the overproduction of solar energy to blame

In a new study, Creg shows that this “overflow” is already pushing the electricity network to its limits at certain times. At the end of September, the Belgian wholesale market already reached a record 369 hours of negative electricity prices, more than double the previous record from 2023.

These network imbalances are increasingly difficult to manage by the high voltage network manager Elia.

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“Elia failed to eliminate excess supply”

On the afternoon of the June 9 election, for example, Elia failed to completely eliminate the oversupply of solar power. For several seconds, the network frequency exceeded its safety limit of 50.05 hertz. In such critical situations, the risk of large-scale power outages is not negligible. The Creg considers that this incident should alert us for the summers to come.

There is practically no room for maneuver to correct in real time imbalances that are more significant than last summer (with little sunshine).

Creg therefore joins Elia in calling for flexibility in the electricity market, for example with battery parks or intelligent domestic batteries.



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