BFM Bourse : 17h/18h – 12/09

BFM Bourse : 17h/18h – 12/09

This Thursday, September 12, Matthieu Détroyat, manager at ELEVA and Matthias Desmarais, head of equity activity at Oddo BHF, debriefed the day’s session, in the BFM Bourse program presented by Guillaume Sommerer. BFM Bourse can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

This Thursday, September 12, Frédérik Ducrozet, head of macroeconomic research at Pictet Wealth Management, Didier Borowski, head of macro policy research at Amundi Institute and head of research on macroeconomic policies, and Antoine Larigaudrie, BFM Business journalist, were the guests of the BFM Bourse show presented by Guillaume Sommerer. BFM Bourse can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

On Thursday, September 12, Guillaume Sommerer received Antoine Larigaudrie, BFM Business journalist, Eric Bleines, Director of Equity Management at SwissLife Banque Privée, Gilles Moec, Chief Economist at AXA Group, Emilie da Silva, Manager and Director of Equity Management at Eiffel Investment Group, Romain Daubry, member of the “Infos d’Experts” unit at Bourse Direct, Sabrina Sadgui, BFM Business journalist, Bertrand Puiffe, Equity Manager at Fidelity International, and Sébastien Barthélémi, Head of Credit Research at Kepler Cheuvreux, on the BFM Bourse show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Bullshitometer: Telecoms on the stock market are over. FALSE! replies Bertrand Puiffe, equity manager at Fidelity International.

This Thursday, September 12, Emilie da Silva, manager and director of Equity Management at Eiffel Investment Group, explains the performance of green stocks that are doing well on the stock market, in the BFM Bourse program presented by Guillaume Sommerer. BFM Bourse can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

This Thursday, September 12, Romain Daubry, member of the Expert Info unit at Bourse Direct, and Sabrina Sadgui, BFM Business journalist, discussed the technical potential and the forces present on the market, in The Trading Plan in the BFM Bourse program presented by Guillaume Sommerer. BFM Bourse can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

This Thursday, September 12, Gilles Moëc, chief economist of the AXA Group, discussed the outlook for the coming months in terms of rate cuts after the ECB press conference, on the BFM Bourse program presented by Guillaume Sommerer. BFM Bourse can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

This Thursday, September 12, Eric Bleines, Director of Equity Management, SwissLife Banque Privée, looked at the records of the ounce of gold week after week, the potential acquisition of Commerzbank by Unicredit, in Le Portefeuille trading in the BFM Bourse program presented by Guillaume Sommerer. BFM Bourse can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday on BFM Business.

On Thursday, September 12, Guillaume Sommerer received Antoine Larigaudrie, BFM Business journalist, John Plassard, Mirabaud investment specialist, Frédéric Rozier, co-head of Mirabaud portfolio management, Yannick Lopez, director of Rates and Treasury Solutions management, and Alexandre Tixier, analyst for the BFM Bourse website, on the BFM Bourse show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.


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