Being badged for bathroom breaks: it’s legal but discriminatory

Being badged for bathroom breaks: it’s legal but discriminatory
Being badged for bathroom breaks: it’s legal but discriminatory

No question of paying your employees while they relieve their bladders. The watchmaking company Jean Singer et Cie, which forced them to use stamps to go to the toilet, has just won a standoff that began in 2021 in court, reveals RTS. The Canton asked him to stop this practice, considering in particular that it could push his staff “to hold back or not hydrate, which could lead to serious physiological disorders”, cites the RTS. Called upon to rule, the Cantonal Court confirmed that, the concept of break not having been defined in the law, this rule is not explicitly prohibited.

However, it discriminates against women, who, due to their menstrual cycle, have to go to the toilet more often and for longer. The company must therefore put in place compensation. Both on the Canton side and at Unia, we deplore the decision. The union indicates that the problem affects the entire watchmaking sector, reporting for example cases of timing when going to the toilet. Seco, for its part, specifies that “full control of the actions and actions” of employees in the company is not compatible with the principle of the personal integrity of workers.



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