PHOTOS – Dozens of closed stores in downtown

Commercial life in was marked this year by the closure of several businesses in the city center. Camaïeu, Micromania… the examples are numerous, particularly in recent weeks. Some emblematic brands of the Belfort landscape such as Lafond vest or the Court of the Halleshave lowered the curtain or announced their imminent closure. They only leave vacant premises, which are added to dozens of others. Just take a little walk to see empty stores and tagged windows, some for a long time. Bleu Belfort-Montbéliard photographed some more than thirty.

Note, however, that some stores are not permanently closed. The premises are under construction for other brands like for example in the old town: a groomer instead of the beauty salon or a tea room instead of the haberdashery.

Three closure announcements in one month

Latest closures: the century-old ready-to-wear boutique Gilbert Lafond boulevard Carnot [NDLR fermée depuis le 5 octobre]the comic book store Olybrius rue des Capucins, or the greengrocer Court of the Halles at the end of the Faubourg de France.

The Belfort brand had existed for 112 years. It closed permanently on Saturday October 5, 2024. © Radio France
Mark Khetah

These three downtown businesses have gone out of business or are preparing to do so. As with others before them, this is explained by the change in consumption habits customers, who turn to shopping centers and the internet, or even due to parking difficulties. “Commerce no longer has the same activitynotes François Boronclerk at the Commercial Court of Belfort, the competent court in commercial matters at first instance. Today on the outskirts there are many shopping areas, consumers prefer to go there, or order online.he analyzes.

The commercial court decided on the judicial liquidation of Cours des halles at the beginning of October. The greengrocer located in the Faubourg de France had existed for 40 years.
The commercial court decided on the judicial liquidation of Cours des halles at the beginning of October. The greengrocer located in the Faubourg de France had existed for 40 years. © Radio France
Mark Khetah

On the windows of the Olybrius bookstore, which is scheduled to close for good on Saturday October 12, posters announce reductions of 25% on certain comics, 35% on figurines and 50% on screen prints.

The Olybrius bookstore will permanently close on Saturday October 12 at 6:30 p.m.
The Olybrius bookstore will permanently close on Saturday October 12 at 6:30 p.m. © Radio France
Mark Khetah

The number of collective procedures handled by the Belfort commercial court, that is to say safeguarding or closing businesses, has increased between Belfort and Montbéliard, assures François Boron. 193 are in progress to date. A logical increase, recalls the clerk, due to the fact “that we catch up with a situation of ‘whatever it takes’. We find ourselves back to a pre-covid situation.”

Unoccupied old-fashioned businesses

The old Faivre hardware store, suburb of Montbéliard.
The old Faivre hardware store, suburb of Montbéliard. © Radio France
Mark Khetah
The former racing shirt factory, 19 quai Vauban, until recently housed the Allianz insurance group.
The former racing shirt factory, 19 quai Vauban, until recently housed the Allianz insurance group. © Radio France
Mark Khetah

The center of the 4 AS, almost ghost

The 4 Aces shopping center looks pale in October 2024. Renovated in 2017the shopping center has completely changed in seven years and has been emptied of its businesses. Today it has around ten empty premises, especially upstairs. The ready-to-wear store 17th Avenue notably closed its doors in spring 2024, after more than thirty-five years of activity.

The premises of a former Barber Shop.
The premises of a former Barber Shop. © Radio France
Mark Khetah
Naked models on the first floor of the shopping center.
Naked models on the first floor of the shopping center. © Radio France
Mark Khetah
. © Radio France
Mark Khetah
The first floor of the shopping center is almost deserted.
The first floor of the shopping center is almost deserted. © Radio France
Mark Khetah


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