The anthem of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, “Parade”, has become the ringtone of this Villeurbanne college

The anthem of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, “Parade”, has become the ringtone of this Villeurbanne college

COLLEGE – A return to school under the sign of the Olympic Games. The Villeurbanne college, near Lyon, surprised its students with a brand new ringtone for their return to school. The management opted for a happier and more inspiring tune than the one usually broadcast on the loudspeakers. And the students have most likely already heard it during the summer, since it is the anthem of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

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“We were fed up with the previous ringtone. The management team got this idea from the Olympics. We didn’t necessarily ask for specific permission, we only take seven seconds of the music every hour,” explained the headmaster of the establishment, Vincent Noël, to the Actu Lyon website.

So now it’s the piece Paradecomposed by Victor Le Masne, which resonates at every recess and resumption of classes in the corridors and classrooms of the Jean-Macé college. The French discovered this piece on May 8 on the occasion of the arrival of the flame in France. Since then, it has been a great success, to the point that its broadcast on streaming platforms this Friday, September 13 is highly anticipated.

According to the headmaster of the Villeurbanne college, the students were happy to hear the song instead of their old bell. “The reactions are good, the students and teachers were pleasantly surprised,” he explains to Actu Lyon. “It’s better than the other ringtone where when you arrived, you didn’t want to go out, it was a bit aggressive, whereas this one is quite a nice melody”, confirms a 4th grade student to BFMTV.

A “Léon Marchand” duty room

For the college management, this choice of ringtone is a “red thread” of this school year. Thus, the study room has also been renamed “Léon Marchand”, after the swimmer who was crowned four-time Olympic champion at the Paris 2024 Games. The room where students work during their off-hours has also been redecorated in the colors of the Olympic Games.

“It embodies the values ​​that we want to transmit to students, those of commitment, perseverance and ambition against social, territorial or gender assignments, to tell students that everything is possible.”explains Vincent Noël to BFMTV.

He also wants to involve students in the project: a consultation will be held to rename two other rooms in the college. One will be named after a female athlete and the other after a Paralympic athlete. Similarly, the “special Olympic” ringtone will not last all year. Students will vote for a new piece, which will be used from October.

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