An international brand closes in downtown Toulouse

An international brand closes in downtown Toulouse
An international brand closes in downtown Toulouse

By David Saint-Sernin
Published on

May 9, 24 at 11:03

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It is an international brand which has just closed in downtown Toulouse.

Rue Croix-Baragnon, the shop Scotch & Soda lowered the curtain. The brand’s customers received a brief message announcing this closure, and inviting them to purchase items in the thirteen stores that remain open in France.

Opened more than six years ago

The Dutch fashion brand has been present for more than six years on rue Croix-Baragnon, the luxury street of Toulouse.

Specializing in clothing, shoes, accessories and perfumes for men, women and children, it occupied the premises of the former Gregory boutique, and more formerly of Hugo Boss, a stone’s throw from Place Saint-Etienne.

The Miele brand has arrived

Conversely, rue Croix-Baragnon has just seen the opening of the Miele boutique, the household appliance giant in France, as well as the opening of Gaïa, a restaurant opened by several partners, including rugby player Antoine Dupont.

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