Sauces from Bistro Régent, chestnut trees and Virgin store: Gambetta, in , central place of controversies

An important and recent square in , dating from the 19th century, long considered a giant roundabout because of the incessant automobile traffic, particularly buses, Place Gambetta once again finds itself at the center of the news this Monday, with the meeting between mayor Pierre Hurmic and promoter Michel Ohayon. The latter wants to transform the former Virgin building, deserted since 2013, into a three-star hotel. But its building permit was initially rejected by the town hall. We’ll come back to that. An episode which is only the last in a troubled story.

2010-2015: the sauce difficult to digest

Is there plagiarism between Entrecôte and Bistro Régent in Bordeaux? © Radio

In 2010, we are fighting with sauce. Marc Vanhove has just opened his first three Bistro Régent restaurants, including a Cours Clemenceau, a stone’s throw from Place Gambetta. He claims to have the recipe for the sauce of a Bordeaux institution, Entrecôte, a secret supposed to be well kept. L’Entrecôte is suing himand, after a year of proceedings, won the sauce war. The commercial court orders Marc Vanhove to pay him 80,000 euros in damages.

2011: when the Regent is no longer the Regent

Marc Vanhove sold the Regent in 2011
Marc Vanhove sold the Regent in 2011 © Maxppp

In the meantime, Marc Vanhove has also been talked about. Because before Bistro Régent, the businessman owned… Le Régent, at the corner of Cours Clemenceau and Place Gambetta. After seven years at the head of this Bordeaux institution, founded in 1893 and whose terrace was historically the first in Bordeaux, he decided to sell to the Pizza Pino pizzeria chain. For the first time, the place changes its name and identity. Then it will be La Closerie Gambetta, then, today, the Clemenceau.

2013: no more Virgin

The Virgin de Bordeaux on the day it closed.
The Virgin de Bordeaux on the day it closed. © Maxppp

An emblematic store that has left its mark on many Bordeaux residents. When Virgin arrives, it is an event, as the store is so rare in France. It succeeds Printemps, which itself had taken the place of the Green Store. Its opening was delayed by a spectacular fire on July 13, 1989, which destroyed the entire building. Suspicious cans will be found inside, without us ever knowing the end of the story. But in 2013, everything came together. At the beginning of January, the group announced that it would file for bankruptcy. Despite the demonstrations, and several rumors of takeover by Cultura, or… the Grand Hôtel of Michel Ohayon, the store closed on June 12, leaving 33 employees behind.

2018, the chestnut trees of discord

In 2018, it is the renovation of the square which unleashes passions. If the pedestrianization of the square is approvedthe felling of 17 large chestnut trees provokes demonstrations. In September, activists including a certain Pierre Hurmic, then an opponent of Alain Juppé, even went as far as chain yourself to trees to avoid their destruction. There will even be a song to defend the famous chestnut trees, finally cut up at the end of November.

The chestnut trees of Gambetta

2021: when Nicolas Florian makes a wild inauguration

Brand new, very beautiful, more pedestrian, Place Gambetta reopens to the public on February 19, 2021, after more than three years of work. The project was thought up by the right-wing mayors, Alain Juppé, then Nicolas Florian. But in the meantime, Pierre Hurmic has won the town hall and the ecologist does not plan to officially inaugurate the new place. So Nicolas Florian, with around 200 people, decided to do it himself .. despite the chants of the pro-chestnut trees

2024: and still nothing in place of Virgin

Michel Ohayon and Pierre Hurmic must therefore meet this Monday. This is perhaps the end point of 13 years of procrastination, where the building will have concentrated the rumors. In 2014, during his campaign for town hall, Vincent Feltesse proposed making it a mobility center. In 2016, a temporary exhibition dedicated to street art, Transfert, took place there, attracting 80,000 people. The previous year, Bordeaux businessman Michel Ohayon bought the building and, as we have seen, quickly put forward the idea of ​​a new luxurious hotel. In 2021, a building permit for stores is finally submitted.

Alain Juppé during the Transfert exhibition in 2016
Alain Juppé during the Transfert exhibition in 2016 © Maxppp

Except that between 2022 and 2023, the businessman was caught up in his setbacks with Galeries Lafayette, Go Sport and Camaïeu, brands that he had bought. The town hall proposed setting up social and solidarity economy businesses there, the hotel project was finally abandoned… Then resumed, therefore with a building permit submitted in spring 2024 for a four-star hotel. Project rejected by the town hall because the ground floor is not dedicated to commerce as planned. This Monday, Michel Ohayon and Pierre Hurmic will have to find an agreement to finally offer a little calm and appeasement around Place Gambetta.



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