the king of crispy bacon and rotisserie expands by 1000 m2

the king of crispy bacon and rotisserie expands by 1000 m2
the king of crispy bacon and rotisserie expands by 1000 m2


Alexander Dasilva

Published on

6 oct. 2024 à 16h25

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HAS Mûr-de-Bretagne-Guerlédan (Côtes-d’Armor), the zone de Guergadic will once again experience new growth. Several companies are launching expansion projects.

Among them, Le Rôtisseur de Guerlédan.

Nestled along the RN164, the company will move from 2,000 to 3,000 m2. THE 45 employees should take advantage of the new premises at the start ofyear 2026. A nice gift for the 40th anniversary of the company created in 1985.

The construction should begin after the Wed-October 2024for a period of 16 months.

From 600 to 1,000 tonnes

Beyond the development of the premises, the company is also planning the creation of a shade house 900 m2with photovoltaic panels which will produce the equivalent of 20 % of the energy consumed.

The company should be able to go from 600 tonnes to 1,000 tonnes production level.

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Only raw material

Today, this extension becomes indispensable. “Our premises are no longer suitable for our various productions,” admits Didier Marecdirector of the company since its acquisition in 2012 (called Le Saloir de Daoulas until 2018).

It must be said that there have been many developments in recent years. There range has evolved greatly and is expanding each year.

But the “new thing” which is just celebrating its tenth anniversary and which today makes the company famous:

It’s called crispy smoked bacon. We are the only ones to make it in , from extra-lean pork.”

Didier Marec, manager of Rôtisseur de Guerlédan

Specializing in rotisserie for large and medium-sized areas, but also ready meals

All “without colorings, preservatives or additives”, recalls Didier Marec, very proud on this point.

And at our house, we develop the recipes from A to Z. If we make marinated meat, we make our own marinade. If we use a spicy mixture, we make it ourselves too. We always use the raw materials directly here.

Didier Marec

New perspectives

After several years of getting the company back on track after the takeover, then developing its markets and prospects, Didier Marec is working on the future of Rôtisseur de Guerlédan. We could even talk about “investments” in the long term.

Since May 2023, the business manager has set up a management committee.

“Today, the project is no longer just that of Didier Marec. It also becomes that of my associates», explains the man from 57 ans.

I gave shares to three other people. People with strong skills. It is a part of my heritage that I am giving to them, but with the idea of ​​working together to support our business.

Didier Marec

It is thus a matter ofAurélien Chatelainindustrial director, Sébastien Guillaumecommercial director, and Aurélie Le Puisrec human resources, accounting and IT manager.

“And since last March, our new quality manager, Solène Lepecheur, is part of the process to join this committee within three years.”

With this team surrounding him, Didier Marec wrote the strategic project of the company, redefined the main lines and developed this extension project.

“Then we structure the whole part together innovation of our company.”

Enough to augur good days ahead for “this little nugget”what is Le Rôtisseur de Guerlédan.

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