Barnier promises a “fair” effort a few days before the presentation of the PLF

Barnier promises a “fair” effort a few days before the presentation of the PLF
Barnier promises a “fair” effort a few days before the presentation of the PLF
THOMAS SAMSON / AFP Michel Barnier, here on the set of “L’Évènement” on 2 Thursday October 3, assumes his “difficult decisions”, even if it means rushing (again) the Macronists.


Michel Barnier, here on the set of “L’Évènement” on France 2 Thursday October 3, assumes his “difficult decisions”, even if it means rushing (again) the Macronists.

ECONOMY – « We all need to make an effort and roll up our sleeves. » A few days before the presentation of his 2025 budget, Michel Barnier gives more details on the bill in an interview with La Tribune Sunday published this October 6. “ I want the effort to be fair “, he assured, detailing several avenues to generate 60 billion euros in savings while the situation of public accounts is “very degraded”.

Asked about the thorny issue of tax increases, the Prime Minister once again assures that they will be “ exceptional and targeted » on large companies and very high incomes and that they will not exceed two years.

Michel Barnier also intends to tackle public spending by grouping together public structures that carry out similar activities and by simplifying the functioning of the State. So ” we can gain 1 or 2 points of GDP in a few years “, he assures.

To cut spending in administration, Michel Barnier also wants to give “strong management latitude” to public leaders in personnel management to reduce the number of civil servants. But he assures us, “there will be no planing”.

As for local authorities, he also wants “ remove duplicates » and sign a “responsibility contract” with town halls, departments and regions.

Unemployment insurance and work stoppages

Among the other avenues mentioned: the reform of apprenticeship, “discussions with parliamentarians” to limit expenses linked to work stoppages or even the overhaul of reductions in charges for businesses. “ There are 80 billion in reductions in charges for businesses, we want to remove four of them and promote better salary dynamics above the minimum wage with the remaining 76 billion », Explains the head of government to La Tribune Sunday.

Concerning the reform of unemployment insurance, the Prime Minister discusses his plan for a single social allowance supposed to “ merge » several social benefits and guarantee that “ people at work systematically earn more than others ».

Michel Barnier also wants to fight against fraud by securing Vitale cards by linking them to digital identity cards. While strengthening the fight against traffickers and mafia networks in terms of tax fraud.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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