6% increase in motorway traffic during the 2024 summer season

6% increase in motorway traffic during the 2024 summer season
6% increase in motorway traffic during the 2024 summer season

Credit: ADM

The 2024 summer season saw record influx on the national motorway network, with traffic peaks several times exceeding 700,000 vehicles per day, while the daily average in normal times amounts to 400,000 vehicles per day, an increase by almost 6% compared to summer 2023, the Société Nationale des Autoroutes du Maroc (ADM) announced on Monday.

The mobilization of ADM teams in total vigilance mode throughout the summer period, combined with the various technological solutions put in place, in particular the Jawaz electronic toll, was decisive in the management of this significant traffic and made it possible to guarantee a trip secure and comfortable on the national motorway network for more than 2 million travelers per day, underlines the ADM in a press release.

Total vigilance mode is an exceptional system which relies on anticipatory measures such as the prior preparation of the infrastructure and the strengthening of teams dedicated to assistance and traffic management, and reactive actions on the ground, in particular strengthening communication with users and close collaboration with all stakeholders on the motorway network, recalls the same source.

Added to this is the organization of the Twehehchnakom operation aimed at welcoming Moroccans around the world in the best conditions.

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