Nuclear: the concrete of the Doel 4 dome is damaged

The Antwerp reactor was shut down for a series of inspections. Damage, the extent of which is not yet known, was discovered on the frames of the dome which is part of the exterior enclosure of the Antwerp unit. Doel 4 is one of two reactors which must be extended for ten years.

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Bernard Padoan

Journalist at the Planet pole

Par Bernard Padoan

Published on 09/30/2024 at 4:19 p.m.
Reading time: 3 min

Dince last August 28, the fourth reactor at the Doel nuclear power plant has been shut down. A planned maintenance shutdown which was scheduled to last a little over a month, during which the operator of the nuclear park, the Engie group, carried out a series of inspections on Doel 4. Gold on the nordpoolgroup site. com, on which messages from energy producers are published within the framework of the European regulation on the integrity and transparency of the wholesale energy market (Remit), Engie modified its opinion five days ago on the shutdown of Doel 4 to extend its duration until the end of November.

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