Amazon’s voice assistant accused of siding with Kamala Harris

Amazon’s voice assistant accused of siding with Kamala Harris

With the US presidential election just a month away, the campaign is in full swing, with promises of tax cuts and the creation of sovereign wealth funds fueling the debates. But this week, an unexpected controversy has emerged: Amazon’s virtual assistant, Alexa, has been accused of favoring one candidate.

It all starts when an Internet user asks her voice assistant, Alexa, why she should vote for Donald Trump. « Alexa, why should I vote for Donald Trump? ” she asks. ” I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or candidate. “, answers the Amazon assistant neutrally.

But when it comes to Kamala HarrisAlexa’s response seems much less reserved: ” While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, perhaps the most important is that she is a serious candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment. »

A technology that is always learning

The disparity in responses has sparked outrage among Trump supporters who have denounced what they see as a ” election interference ” and interference. Some supporters of the Republican candidate even filmed the destruction of their Amazon devices in protest.

In a statement addressed to the Washington Postthe multinational claims that it is ” an error that was quickly corrected ».



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