Tuesday, MP Jean-René Cazeneuve went to the Polastron school to participate in the jury of the Little Reading Champions competition, an initiative which invites CM1 and CM2 students to read aloud an extract from a literary work of their choice.
Twelve students from the school competed to win the finalist place and represent their establishment during the departmental competition which will be held at the Auch media library – Under the kindness of their teachers: Caroline Pac and Marie Tonnello.
The jury, made up of Laurence Theval, French teacher, Laure Morlan, educational advisor, Josette Fumery, former teacher, Omar Bouyoucef, Paralympic biathlon champion, and Jean-René Cazeneuve, praised the quality of the performances. The competition was very competitive. Ultimately, it was Léa who was named the big winner and who will wear the school colors during the next event. At the end of the event, the members of the jury recalled the importance of reading on a daily basis, encouraging the students to cultivate this pleasure.
-After this cultural sequence, Jean-René Cazeneuve enthusiastically took part in the question-and-answer game from the students, curious to know more about his role and his experiences. Among the many spontaneous questions were: “Do you often go to Paris?”, “Do you know the President of the Republic?”, “Why did you want to become a deputy?” or even “What is an MP for?”. These exchanges offered a great opportunity for children to better understand the issues of democracy and the importance of civic engagement, in an atmosphere that was both educational and friendly.