“All passed without dread” by Jean Rolin, Pyrenean passes – Liberation

“All passed without dread” by Jean Rolin, Pyrenean passes – Liberation
“All passed without dread” by Jean Rolin, Pyrenean passes – Liberation

Passing through where they went is the program of Jean Rolin's new mop. No downtime, incentive details, it is already on site in Saint-Girons, at the beginning of the book, a beginning of July, for an attempted crossing of the Pyrenees (there will be several). Francis comes to take him at the station, in his bright yellow van. This other writer of novels without fiction tells him “A story so surprising”that Rolin would settle his fate well to steal it. Has hers, in which we have just entered, will it not be so good?

His project this time, after the Grand-, the Côte d'Azur, , or other places (1): accompany the annual hike of the local museum via the route borrowed under the occupation by a A large number of “escaped from ”-thirty thousand according to the sub-prefect-, from Saint-Girons to Alós d'Isil in Spain. The “escaped” fled Nazism by the Ariège Pyrenees, they were resistant, Jews, allied aviators, refractory to the compulsory work department, they wanted to reach Spain. They were helped by residents, smugglers or supported by networks, often crossing in difficult conditions, altitude, darkness, freezing cold, snow. In the Pyrenees, “Countless” monuments recall these smugglers and their customers.


All passed out without dread, striking sentence from Cor d'Alfred de Vigny – and magnificent title –




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