[Le récit de Gérard Davet et Fabrice Lhomme, auteurs de Les Juges et l’Assassin (Flammarion, 448 pages, 23 euros), s’appuie notamment sur une documentation très abondante, extraite en partie de la procédure judiciaire ouverte devant la Cour de justice de la République (CJR). Ainsi, les échanges mentionnés entre les différents protagonistes proviennent d’e-mails, de SMS ou de notes figurant au dossier des juges chargés de l’enquête.]
On January 22, 2020, a Chinese patient from Wuhan was hospitalized at Bichat hospital in Paris. She suffers from a high fever. Avenue de Ségur [le ministère de la santé]the temperature also rises. “It’s exponential, right? »worries [Agnès] Buzyn [la ministre]. False alarm: apparently, the tourist from China suffers from another ailment. Phew… Despite everything, it is time to deploy devices to take the temperature of passengers at airports. “We have to make sure we have detectors… not a win”s’irrite [Jérôme] Salomon [le directeur général de la santé]. “I know, we are right scientifically, but we will be wrong politically”Buzyn replies. Such an arsenal was put in place for the Ebola virus in 2014, but in the present case, the amplitude is much wider (at least three direct flights per week between Wuhan and Paris), and above all the equipment is lacking. “Maybe take the lead and say why we will never do it”also recommends Buzyn.
In any case, avenue de Ségur, we are getting organized: Jérôme Salomon decrees the passage of Corruss, the famous Center for regulation and response to health and social emergencies, on phase 2 alert, called reinforced.
-On January 23, the Minister of Health became impatient. Everything is too slow, too heavy. There are so many instances, structures, texts and people involved… “Hello Edward [Philippe], she wrote to the Prime Minister. Can I talk to you for a moment about coronavirus crisis management? I need people to see us at work without waiting for a decision from the WHO and above all that customs, the police, do not start wearing masks in their corner (…). Coordination is needed. » The same day, the WHO decided not to immediately launch the international alert process, what the organization calls, in its jargon, the Usppi (public health emergency of international concern). Too bad, this could have mobilized the executives of all countries. (…)
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