In the edition of daily jhm of January 4, we evoked the many wishes of the Chaumontais for their city. Second part with new requests.
Clément and Alan, 30, returned from Australia three months ago. Since then, they have walked around Chaumont and found that the town has changed. They grew up and studied here and know the area like the back of their hand. “We would like there to be more music, concerts, in the end, everything that makes people happy. » They point out another point inherent to small towns: “There is a lack of young people. We no longer recognize anyone, we have seen the city decline.”
For Sophie, Claude and André, there are things to see again in Chaumont. “We live on rue Jean-Jaurès and there is a problem with our sidewalks. Many residents do not weed in front of their homes, which means that there are large weeds growing and it is not pretty.”
Besides that: “There should be one place per owner to park, there, in front of our house, we are faced with the fact that some people have three cars and park their vehicles in “our places””. However, in Chaumont, nearly 1,300 parking spaces are free and 680 pay. Other residents regret the lack of street lighting at night. When some are fully in agreement with the speed lowered to 30 km/h in different axes of the city.