“Little Baron Trump”, a young aristocrat from Castle Trump, is the protagonist of a series of Books written by the American novelist Ingersoll Lockwood at the end of the 19th century. With his mentor Don(ald?), a wealthy man who lives on Fifth Avenue in New York, the boy, who bears the same name as the president-elect's youngest son, travels to Russia for an adventure that will change his life.
Do any details of this story mean something to you? You are not the only one. The series of novels has become the talk of the internet due to their strange parallels with Donald Trump's rise to power. And this went so far as to become the favorite subject of conspiracy theorists, some of whom claim that the Trump family has a time machine since the Republican entered the White House in 2016. The media Metro tells us more about this incongruous story.
Although long lost in oblivion, the books were rediscovered in 2017 and dissected from every angle, sparking numerous debates, particularly on TikTok. In the novels, Baron Trump and Don discover a portal to another world, and this is what conspiracy theories have been based on: Could Ingersoll Lockwood have been talking about space-time travel?
Adding fuel to the fire is a theory that the Trump family has been using time travel for many years thanks to the president's uncle, engineer John Trump. He would have had access to the documents of Nikola Tesla, who, according to the theory, was researching time travel – and whose knowledge helped Trump win the 2016 presidential election.
However, it was the author's dystopian political thriller entitled 1900 or The Last President, written in 1841, which generated the most controversy. Although he doesn’t put…
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