“All territories have the right to urban and landscape quality”, C. Millet, Cnoa

“All territories have the right to urban and landscape quality”, C. Millet, Cnoa
“All territories have the right to urban and landscape quality”, C. Millet, Cnoa

He is the new face of the National Council of the Order of Architects (Cnoa). Lyon DPLG architect Christophe Millet was elected president on June 13, 2024 by the 24 ordinal councilors. He is responsible for representing the profession to public authorities and working on the major challenges facing architects. It is precisely on this subject that Batiactu was able to speak with the new leader. Encounter.

Batiactu: The famous architect and urban planner Paul Chemetov died on June 16. What did his work symbolize for you?

Christophe Millet: Paul Chemetov, National Grand Prize for Architecture in 1980, was a figure in urban planning and architecture who had a strong social commitment. He was one of the architects of the first National Strategy for Architecture in 2016. He was an ardent defender of architecture and the public debate is losing a great thinker. The National Council of the Order pays tribute to the man and the architect who left his mark on generations.

Now let’s talk about the National Council of the Order of Architects. What do you remember from the mandate of your predecessor, Christine Leconte?

It is a heritage and a treasure that we must preserve. Christine Leconte has positioned the Order as an institution which carries a social project, well beyond its sovereign missions. This project defends humanist values ​​and general interest, and broadens the scope of skills of architects. We must therefore preserve this heritage over the next three years.

What will be the broad outlines of your mandate?

My mandate is a continuation of the work of Christine Leconte and vice-presidents Marjan Hessamfar and Valérie Flicoteaux, around the environmental, social, resources and biodiversity crisis; issues on which urgent action is needed. Our architectural profession is at the center of many fields. Therefore, we must be at the heart of the response to these crises.

During your election, you mentioned the “immense challenges awaiting the National Council“, notably that of “the fragility of the profession“. What observations do you make, and what would you like to put in place?

You have 72% left to discover.



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