Cancellation of the Budget Orientation Debate in Senegal: Discover the potential consequences

Cancellation of the Budget Orientation Debate in Senegal: Discover the potential consequences
Cancellation of the Budget Orientation Debate in Senegal: Discover the potential consequences

Deputies of the National Assembly of Senegal were due to meet in plenary session on June 29, 2024 to debate the budgetary direction for the next three years. Although the budget for the year 2024 has already been voted on, this crucial session was canceled by the Office of the National Assembly. This decision follows a meeting of deputies, where it was concluded that Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko did not recognize the National Assembly by refusing to present his general policy declaration.

According to the deputies, by refusing to deliver his general policy statement to the National Assembly, Ousmane Sonko showed that he does not recognize this institution. Consequently, the deputies considered that it was not appropriate to send one of his ministers to debate the budget, an Assembly that the Prime Minister does not recognize.

The Budgetary Orientation Debate (DOB): Operation and Importance

Established in 1999, the DOB is an essential process in the preparation of the state budget in Senegal. It allows the government to present the main economic and budgetary orientations for the years to come. The DOB is backed by the Multi-year Budget and Economic Programming Document (DPBEP), which evaluates state revenues and expenditures over a three-year period. This document contains economic hypotheses, forecasts of tax revenues, expenditure by category, as well as medium-term budgetary and financial balance objectives.

The Minister of Finance sends the DPBEP to the President of the National Assembly, then presents the report to the deputies. They discuss the orientations presented, ask questions and express their concerns, often linked to the needs of their localities and budgetary risks. The DOB aims to strengthen budgetary transparency and involve parliamentarians in budget preparation.

The cancellation of this debate before June 30 is significant. Cheikh Abdou Mbacké Bara Dolly told Senego that the National Assembly was to finish its work on June 30 and take its vacation from that date. However, it can meet in extraordinary session in July. Thus, the budgetary orientation debate for the year 2024 had to be held before this date.

Cheikh Abdou Mbacké Bara Dolly strongly criticizes this situation, emphasizing that the absence of this debate before June 30 will be felt by the Senegalese, because there will be no budgetary adjustment impacting their daily lives. It is crucial to note that the DOB does not result in a binding vote; it is mainly an exchange of opinions and recommendations. However, a budget voted without DOB could present an unserious character in the eyes of Senegal’s partners

It is important to note that Ousmane Sonko has never claimed not to recognize the National Assembly. He simply indicated that he could not make a general policy declaration in the absence of legal texts governing this declaration. He decided not to make this statement until the National Assembly amended its internal regulations to include the Prime Minister’s passage.

The cancellation of the budgetary orientation debate, although essential for transparent and participatory management of public finances, creates uncertainty over the budgetary adjustments necessary to meet the needs of Senegalese citizens. The new authorities, in place for only three months, must navigate this complex situation to ensure effective management of state resources.

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