“Just war. An ethics of war illustrated by examples” by Geoffroy d’Aumale

“Just war. An ethics of war illustrated by examples” by Geoffroy d’Aumale
“Just war. An ethics of war illustrated by examples” by Geoffroy d’Aumale


Despite Moses’ command, “thou shalt not kill,” the men confront and kill each other. But wars evolve over time and rules of conduct have been accepted throughout history, in particular the notion of just war.
Written by a citizen and military engineer, who was well aware of the course of the Cold War, this work aims to put within the reach of the young generations of the first quarter of the 21st century, the historical notions and practices behind the concept of just war, by illustrating it with examples, by extending it to other religions and by taking into account the revolution in forms of war and the technological developments of weapons, in particular intelligence techniques.
The preface is signed by Mgr Antoine de Romanet, bishop of the Armed Forces, at the same time priest, thinker and guide of French soldiers.

Source : Amazon

In his preface, Mgr Antoine de Romanet, Bishop of the Armed Forces, recalls that the doctrine of just war dates from the Middle Ages, and that it must be analyzed under 3 main criteria: ad bellum, in bello And post-bellumand that we must distinguish 3 types of peace: balance, hegemony and empire.

Despite Moses’ command, “Thou shalt not kill,” Geoffroy observes that men have always fought and killed each other. But wars evolve over time and rules of conduct have been accepted throughout history, from the notion of just war, illustrated in particular by Saint Thomas Aquinas, to the Geneva Convention of 1949.

Geoffroy then questions the justice of the numerous wars in which France has been involved, from the Battle of Poitiers (732) to the Ukrainian War (2022-) including the Crusades, the Hundred Years’ War, the two world wars, the war in Indochina or that in Algeria…

Geoffroy explains that this book is intended for younger generations, but I testify that it can also be read by older people!

Source : YELLOW & RED


Title : “JUST WAR An ethics of war, illustrated by examples”
Author : Geoffrey of Aumale
Written by: Hubert Lévy-Lambert (X53)
Prefaced by Mgr de Romanaet, bishop to the armies
Release date : March 2024
Editor: Amazon
ISBN: 9798883172891
Number of pages of the printed edition:
‎ 74 pages
Price for the paper brochure: €10.55
Price for Kindle format: €9.99

Are you interested in the book? Go to the Amazon website to buy it by clicking HERE



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