the mini book fair organized by Mémoire culture développement was encouraging

the mini book fair organized by Mémoire culture développement was encouraging
the mini book fair organized by Mémoire culture développement was encouraging

The skies, warm and serene, gave a happy helping hand on Saturday, May 11. The municipality has installed booths to allow around twenty publishers to present…

The skies, warm and serene, gave a happy helping hand on Saturday, May 11. The municipality has installed booths to allow around twenty publishers to present their publications and make their authors known, or to the Mémoire culture développement (MCD) association, organizer of this cultural moment as part of Le Temps du jardin, to ensure something to regain strength.

The morning’s debate, moderated by Philippe Lescarret, revolved around noir novels and thrillers, two genres today attracting a wealth of writers, with a strong trend, the “regional policeman”, where sordid affairs fuel thrillers set in Bordeaux, on the Arcachon basin, in the Landes or in Béarn.

Heritage dimension

After the meal, there was a broad round table discussion on general literature, with a fairly Landes dimension. We heard, among others, Jean-Paul Kauffmann talk about his immersion in the forest through his “Maison du Retour”, Katy Bernard speaking with emotion about the dialogue imagined between the three Eleanors (from Aquitaine, and the two from Brittany), Patrick Strongly recounting the gestation of his writings (published by Passiflore), Perrine Austry (philosopher and psychologist), or Jean-Claude Dupouy talking about the latest work by Guy Champagne on the “obligatory parenthesis” that his parents had to undergo between 1940 and 1945.

The heritage dimension was also highlighted with the presence of Bernard Larrieu who, with passion, has led Éditions de l’Entre-deux-Mers for a quarter of a century.

The public was very attentive and was able to appreciate, at the end of the day, the moment of poetry and choreography hosted by Lorette Larras. An encouraging first.



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