Saint-Basile: thousands of books read for the Summer Reading Club

More than 20,000 books were read as part of the Summer Reading Club of the municipal libraries of Sainte-Julie, Saint-Basile-le-Grand and Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville.

The Roland-LeBlanc library, in Saint-Basile, has accumulated 560 registrations for the summer activity. The number of books borrowed during the Book Club period, from June 20 to August 23, reached 19,292 loans.

At the Sainte-Julie municipal library, 2,193 books were devoured during the literary event.

In total, 417 young people aged 0 to 12 registered at the Georges-Brossard library in Saint-Bruno participated in the summer activity. “Based on the stamped drawing participation coupons, the young people who participated in our weekly drawings, or who informed us of their progress in their reading challenge, we estimate that at least 3,595 books were read,” responds City spokesperson Manon Lacourse.


“This program, the TD Summer Reading Club, is here to encourage young people to read during the summer. There is no required reading. They can read what they want, when they want, wherever they want. The program creates a bond of belonging with young people, which helps encourage and motivate them to read,” comments the program officer for the TD Summer Reading Club, Carolan Morin.

It is not uncommon for school-age children to lose skills during summer vacation. “In addition to encouraging young people to read during the summer period, the program allows them to maintain reading skills acquired during the school year. Also, 97% of children who attend the club read as much or even more than during the school year. It’s still revealing,” adds Ms. Morin.


The Sainte-Julie municipal library highlights the participation of many citizens as part of the Summer Reading Club. In total, 43 children, from three years old to completed kindergarten, signed up for the Mini-Club. Then 113 young people, from 1re year completed up to 2e high school, joined the Summer Reading Club.

From June 22 to August 14, these vacationing readers browsed a total of 2,193 books.

19 292 This is the number of loans recorded at the Roland-LeBlanc library during the Summer Reading Club.

Closing parties

To conclude the summer season, young people registered with the Reading Club in Sainte-Julie were able to take part in one of the two closing parties. On August 15, eight Mini-Club participants, accompanied by their family members, came to attend a special story time followed by a craft. On August 16, 45 young people attended the show Literary Alfred reads the future, of the Little Bus Theater. During these meetings, numerous door prizes were drawn and each child received a diploma as well as a bag full of surprises.

In Saint-Basile-le-Grand, the closing celebration took place on August 24. A few hundred children showed up. Several prizes were distributed.

Sainte-Julie children wishing to take part in the 2025 Summer Reading Club are invited to send an email to [email protected].

  • More than 500 young readers near Saint-Basile. (Photo: archives)



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