Free the child’s speech with books

Free the child’s speech with books
Free the child’s speech with books

A collection to talk to children about subjects that concern them and that touch them. Patricia Schaad is a school psychologist in La Chaux-de-Fonds. It was she who had the idea, or rather the need, to write these books. The first was released in March by i-lirédition jeunesse, a publishing house based in Cressier. It is devoted to the theme of harassment. Two other books are now available. One focuses on violence, the other on parental separation. Fifteen books are planned, including one on homosexuality. Patricia Schaad explained on Friday in La Matinale that the adventure was born from her school practice. “I had a situation where I told myself that potentially there was violence. »

Open dialog

To address this theme with the child, she looked for a commercial book “which I couldn’t find and which I ended up writing”. Children are obviously the target audience for these works, from four to five years old. But Patricia Schaad wants them to be useful to parents, grandparents, institutions and teachers. The psychologist wrote these books to open a dialogue with the child. This is why questions appear at the end of the book. The stories feature the Pistachio bear. A deliberate choice not to use children as characters. “The animal allows you to put a little distance. The child will be able to identify, but it may not be as impactful as if it were another child. But they totally make the connection. » Patricia Schaad will be signing on October 24 at Payot in La Chaux-de-Fonds. /sma



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