Lagny-sur- ► [Vidéo] The book fair immersed the public in History

The Lagny-sur- book fair, Saturday October 5, organized by the Lagny Val de Bussy Lions club, highlighted the historical novel, with one hundred and twenty authors, both for the pleasure of adults and children .

One hundred and twenty authors presented their works during the book fair, Saturday October 5, in the salon of honor of the town hall of Lagny-sur-Marne. The annual cultural event has been organized by the Lagny Val de Bussy Lions Club for six years. The mayor, Jean-Paul Michel, comments: “There are more and more people every year, we should almost organize two per year. »

Indeed, the public was able to wander between the stands in a crowded hall of honor. Detective novels, poems, romances, humor, mangas for adolescents, occupied the town hall all day, in a medieval atmosphere with period costumes. During this time, dictation and conference were organized, with Annie de Groote. President of the show, she is an actress and author of twenty historical novels set either in her native land, Flanders, or in Northern Europe. The series began with “The Devil’s Fair”, which takes place in the Flemish Country, and earned it four prizes, including the Grand Prix des Lettres from the Society of Arts and Letters of the city of , in 1998. His latest novel, “The Messenger of the New World”, was published this year and takes place between Holland and America, in the 27the century. Annie de Groote reminded the participants: “Lagny is a town full of history, my ancestors, the drapers of Flanders, came to sell their goods at the Lagny innocents’ fair. »

The show highlighted local literature. A Latignatian for almost fifteen years, Sophie Tornier presented her haikus, small Japanese poems of three lines: “It’s a superb life philosophy, which I have been writing every day for six years. I participated in many poetry competitions with my sister during covid, and we wrote a book together. I then launched into romance, with ‘Brûler la nuit’. » The novel, published last year, tells the story of a young banking executive, Philomène, with a dissolute life, and who one day meets a romantic love, which will not be easy…


The ground floor was dedicated to youth. Authors and designers of Japanese manga, Binoute and Yulina studied in Japan and offered series in two or three volumes, such as the shōjo “My Deity” and “Do not touch me” by Binoute, intended for adolescent girls, or the josei “It will be good” by Yulina, aimed at women over sixteen. In less than two minutes, the artists autographed their manga on the spot with the drawing of the heroine and the little personalized note, with a small handmade key ring as a bonus.

For her part, Émilie Würz, all dressed and made up like a blue cat down to her hair, recounted her journey, from writing shows to her series of books on cats, “Chat-poète”, which tells the story of the cat in long, wide and across, in all its richness. She says: “In March 2023, I created the editions Les chansonnettes de mamie bleue, to publish ‘Petit coeur’, a book entirely dedicated to cardiac research. We had the idea, with the illustrator, to make donations of this book to ‘Enfants Cancers Santé’, an association fighting against pediatric cancer supported by the Lions club. »

In the youth room, around a hundred drawings were exhibited. Christa Mallet, organizer of the event for the Lions club, specifies: “Every year, students from schools up to third grade take part in a poster competition on the theme of the environment, and for the first year, we wanted to promote them at the book fair with an exhibition. »

Finally, financial participation from the authors made it possible to collect a check for five hundred euros to allow disadvantaged children to go on vacation with Vacances plein air, a branch of the Lions Club.



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