Prix ​​Ouest- Dimoitou 2024. Clément, 9 years old, chose the winner

It is a passionate and enthusiastic young reader who participated, this Saturday, October 5, in the deliberations of the Ouest- Dimoitou Prize. Clément Brosseron, 9 years old, traveled from Pacé (Ille-et-Vilaine) to reach and meet the nine other Prize jurors.

After a morning of discussions, astonishing in the quality of their reflection and the relevance of their critiques, the ten children aged 8 to 10 rewarded Erik L’Homme, for his novel The great journey . A story inspired by the legend of Ankou, on the border between the world of the living and that of the dead.

« I liked everything in his bookconfides Clément, I loved meeting and talking with Erik L’Homme. What I liked best was the meal with him, it was great. »

Enthusiasm of the young jurors, during the deliberations, for the Prix Ouest-France Dimoitou, yesterday at Le Mans. | DAVID ADEMAS / WEST-FRANCE
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Enthusiasm of the young jurors, during the deliberations, for the Prix Ouest-France Dimoitou, yesterday at Le Mans. | DAVID ADEMAS / WEST-FRANCE

Clément appreciates novels (with a penchant for “suspense and the police”), but also comics. And he doesn’t just read. He creates them. Like this illustrated notebook entitled Chevalierwhich he sent us in the spring : “In this book-letter, I tell the story of a knight who dreams of becoming a juror for the Dimoitou Prize. » A hero named Clément, 9 years old, educated, like him, in CM1 class at the Saint-Joseph-de-Pacé school… “People always tell me that I have a lot of imagination”smiles the person concerned, happy to see his dream come true.

Ouest-France Dimoitou Prize 2024 : The great journey Erik The Man. Éditions Gallimard Jeunesse, 204 pages. €9.90.

Clément (right) and the nine other jurors of the Dimoitou Prize rewarded Erik L’Homme for his novel “Le Grand voyage”, yesterday at Le Mans. | DAVID ADEMAS / WEST-FRANCE
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Clément (right) and the nine other jurors of the Dimoitou Prize rewarded Erik L’Homme for his novel “Le Grand voyage”, yesterday at Le Mans. | DAVID ADEMAS / WEST-FRANCE

The other 4 books in the selection:

A chainsaw love Colin Thibert. Editions Thierry Magnier, 87 pages. €11.90.

Léon 1916 Tristan Pichard. Éditions Octopus Fictions, 190 pages. €11.95.

The legend of Sigrid Julie Steis. Éditions Talents Hauts, 160 pages. €14.90.

A crumb and glitter Anne Rehbinder. South Youth Acts, 81 pages. €12.50.



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