a second book fair at the Louis-Pasteur residence

a second book fair at the Louis-Pasteur residence
a second book fair at the Louis-Pasteur residence

The first edition of the book fair, “Rencontre et part’agence”, launched in November 2022, was a great success. Michel Soulard, living at the Louis-Pasteur residence since June 2019, is at the initiative of this meeting open to the general public.

Michel Soulard, 92-year-old resident, writes every day

At the Colisée group’s nursing home, located on the banks of the Clain, Saturday October 5, 2024, the books of fifteen authors from the Society of Authors of Poitou and Charentes (SAPC) can be signed by writers, poets, playwrights and others essayists. Among the headliners of the guests, we find Michel Cordeboeuf, Angèle Koster and Jean-Marc Percier.

To introduce himself, the initiator of the literary event launches « de Montmorillon, Michel Soulard de Montmorillon ! ». It was in the City of Writing and Book Trades that the love of literature was born for this former pharmacist and activist for humanitarian causes. And to share it, on Monday and Thursday mornings, he offers readings to other residents of the establishment which has an Alzheimer’s unit in addition to the ordinary sector (89 residents).

Also an author and member of the SAPC, he will present, on Saturday, his books on Romania, his “second country”. He intends to show “that we are not shriveled in on ourselves in the nursing home”. Michel Soulard, who will celebrate his 92nd birthday on January 6, writes every day and has even “three or four books in the works”.

For Béatrice Anil, assistant to the director of the Pasteur residence, Katia Dorokine, “It’s an opportunity to make yourself known, to develop cultural activities among residents and to open up. It is a day of sharing and opening up to the outside world for the establishment, like the conferences organized on the themes of nutrition, mobility or sleep, and intergenerational meetings with the Coligny school. -Horn. » It is one of the new projects that the Pasteur Ehpad wishes to perpetuate.

Book fair at the Louis-Pasteur nursing home, 4 rue Joseph-Meister. Open with free access, Saturday October 5, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Participation voucher offered to visitors to award the prize for the most beautiful book cover and try to win a garnished basket. Contact:



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