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Books and you and the Middle East

If you want to understand a little better what is currently happening in the Middle East, Albin Michel has just published two books which will certainly help you see things more clearly.
I read with great interest their points of view to enrich mine, I hope it is the same for those who follow us.

What is Zionism? of Denis Charbit
(new expanded edition)

320 pages
format 180.00 mm x 110.00 mm
EAN : 9782226496645
Prix 12€
Editions Albin Michel

While Israel is going through one of the most serious crises since its creation, anti-Zionism is experiencing an unprecedented surge in support and popularity. Whether or not it is a renewed form of anti-Semitism, we have never proclaimed ourselves anti-Zionist with such a feeling of good conscience. Never has Zionism been seen as the foil to all ideals, the ultimate and accomplished form of evil in politics, the synthesis of South African apartheid, European colonialism, white supremacism and Western imperialism. The word “Zionism”, born a little over a hundred years ago, no longer seems to be understood and suffers all the disfigurements that the controversy entails. The new edition of this book aims to reestablish the true meaning of this project, to examine its successes and its failures, its achievements and its aporias, without giving in to either the Epinal image or demonization.

Denis Charbit, professor of political science at the Open University of Israel (Raʼanana), notably published Zionismes. Fundamental texts published by Éditions Albin Michel.

The Great Blinding of Charles Enderlin
(new expanded edition)

416 pages
Format 240.00 mm x 155.00 mm
EAN : 9782226496614
Prix 24,90€
Editions Albin Michel

“Benjamin Netanyahu played with fire. Returning to power in 2009, continuing the strategy of his predecessors, he favored Hamas’s control of Gaza. This policy intended to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state, reinforced by its support for Jewish messianism and the development of colonization, on October 7, 2023, led Israel to the greatest military and political defeat since its creation. Using often exclusive sources, I had to recount and analyze the miscalculations, the incomprehension, the blindness of Israeli leaders and intelligence officials in the face of radical Islam. A blindness that began in the 1970s when Israelis believed that Sheikh Yassin, founder of Hamas in 1987, could be “the antidote to the PLO”, just as, in Washington, the CIA was convinced that Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban could serve as a bulwark against communism.

The two fundamentalisms, Jewish and Muslim, are today leading the Middle East towards a war of religion. It is up to the international community to stop this senseless march towards new tragedies. »
Charles Enderlin

Charles Enderlin was the correspondent for 2 in Jerusalem from 1981 to 2015. He is the author of numerous works on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In light of recent events, a new updated and expanded edition of this book, first published in 2009, had become essential.



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