Several thousand books sold at reduced prices this weekend in Ploemeur for a solidarity action

Several thousand books sold at reduced prices this weekend in Ploemeur for a solidarity action
Several thousand books sold at reduced prices this weekend in Ploemeur for a solidarity action

The Tarz Heol association, in partnership with the Ploemeur Municipal Office for Community Life and the local animation service, is offering, this weekend of September 21 and 22, 2024, an exceptional sale of several thousand books for the benefit of the 2024 Solidarity Heart Weekend.

This book sale is an integral part of the hummingbird actions, preludes to the Weekend of the Heart Solidarity next November at Océanis. These actions help fill the purse of this solidarity event, the most important in the region since 1989. The 2023 edition raised €34,300, donated to eight associations.

From €0.50 to €5

The Tarz Heol association is one of the most loyal partners of the Weekend du cœur solidarité. For 36 years, a team of volunteers, joined by young people from the Day Care Center for Young Adults (Caja), a reception unit dependent on the Kerdiret Medical-Educational Institute, has been collecting books from the general public to resell them once sorted and classified. Thousands of books, all genres combined, for children and adults, in very good condition, will be sold at prices ranging from €0.50 to €5.


Saturday September 21 and Sunday September 22, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at Océanis in Ploemeur.



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