“I’m so happy”: An unexpected romance: Adriana Karembeu in a relationship with Marc Lavoine

“I’m so happy”: An unexpected romance: Adriana Karembeu in a relationship with Marc Lavoine
“I’m so happy”: An unexpected romance: Adriana Karembeu in a relationship with Marc Lavoine

The weekly Paris Match published photos this Monday of the singer and the model kissing in the street, making their new romance official.

Screenshot X – @ParisMatch

It all started last May when the 52-year-old host made a surprise confession on the show “50′ Inside” on TF1. Facing Isabelle Ithurburu, she chose “I only want it” by Marc Lavoine to conclude their exchange, confiding that she learned French thanks to this song. Before admitting, all smiles: “I’m in love with this guy too. He does not know it! Shh.”

A few weeks later, Marc Lavoine, invited in turn on the same set, did not fail to react to this declaration. “I saw it! Life sometimes brings you satisfaction. This is one,” he confided, visibly touched and delighted.

What fans didn’t yet know was that the 61-year-old artist had already taken the lead and contacted Adriana Karembeu on Instagram, reveals Paris Match. A few exchanges later, they met. Since then, a romance has been born, and the Slovakian has not hidden her joy from those close to her: “I am happy, so happy.”

Both separated since 2022, Marc Lavoine and Adriana Karembeu now form “the first couple of the summer”, as the weekly headlines. Marc Lavoine has been married three times and Adriana Karembeu twice.

Adriana Karembeu divorces

Between Adriana Karembeu and André Ohanian, it’s over! The star announced the news of their separation in her Instagram Story.




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