Héléna Noguerra on bad terms with Lio? This question that made her very uncomfortable

Héléna Noguerra on bad terms with Lio? This question that made her very uncomfortable
Héléna Noguerra on bad terms with Lio? This question that made her very uncomfortable

While we thought they were united, the relationships between Héléna Noguerra and Lio would ultimately not be that beautiful. In any case, this is what the actress suggested in an interview with David Barbet for Télépro, on June 3, 2024. Indeed, while the journalist asked her to give a rating out of 10 to certain personalities that she was able to rub shoulders, she was very embarrassed when Lio’s first name came out.

Besides, Héléna Noguerra simply could not answer and asked for a joker so he could move on to the next question without answering the one about his sister. Indeed, the two artists have the same mother but not the same father. The reason may be Lio’s accusations about Héléna Noguerra’s father.

Lio’s accusations against Héléna Noguerra’s father

Indeed, in an interview given to the magazine Max, on March 16, 2024, the singer called it incestuous. “My life is a daily struggle. There are mornings to get up and make coffee, it’s the end of the world“, she initially declared before adding: ” Because a childhood with an incestuous stepfather – I am not afraid to say it today – also distanced me from my sister, because my stepfather is his father. It all never ends“.

On the other hand, Lio had insisted that it was not her stepfather who had raped her when she was 10 years old, but a friend of his. “I have other bananas to peel with my father-in-law but I won’t do it here“, she still added to shed light on what she thinks of Héléna Noguerra’s father.

Héléna Noguerra and Lio were very close

In their childhood, if the two sisters were close, it was not always easy for the youngest to find her place alongside the success of the interpreter of Banana Split. “My sister Lio has been famous for eight years and her notoriety is heavy. She sells millions of records and people only talk to me about her. Being a model gives me oxygen but I’m mercilessly judged“, she declared in the columns of Paris Match in 2014.

Today, the two sisters seem to be following different paths.



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