An actor close to Morgan Freeman reveals the consequences of the illness from which the star suffers

An actor close to Morgan Freeman reveals the consequences of the illness from which the star suffers
An actor close to Morgan Freeman reveals the consequences of the illness from which the star suffers

During Morgan Freeman’s visit to Monte-Carlo to receive a symbolic reward a few days ago, an actor close to the 87-year-old star spoke about the American actor’s worrying state of health.

At 87 years old, 58 of which have been spent in the world of cinema, wouldn’t it be great to honor the emblematic figure of American cinema that is Morgan Freeman? The initiative was taken by the Monte-Carlo Television Festival on June 14, when a Crystal Nymph was presented to the actor and producer, awarded in front of King Albert II and an audience of guests, for his entire career. His visit to France also allowed him to present his new mini-series The Gray Housecentered on the Civil War in the United States, and to meet the person who, for 35 years, has been its French voice.

Morgan Freeman helped by his French voice for his speech at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival

His name may not mean anything to you, but his voice is recognizable in a multitude of commercials and films. Benoît Allende especially doubles Morgan Freeman in the majority of his feature films released in 1992, including The escapees. By paying tribute to the star, the organizers of the Monaco festival naturally thought of the 81-year-old dubbing actor, who was happy to translate his speech. “Of course, there was emotion, not emotion to the point of losing my composure but he was there, he is beautiful!”he tells Guillaume Pley in Legend the day after this exceptional evening. Accustomed to analyzing it, Benoît Allende noted that the holder of an Oscar (for best actor in a supporting role thanks to Million Dollar Baby) was in bad shape, although smiling.

Morgan Freeman ill since 2012: this debilitating infection from which he suffers

“I was watching him, I found him a little fragile due to his age and he is not in very, very good health at the moment.but it will work out, I have lots of tenderness for him”, says the voice actor. Morgan Freeman has, in fact, been suffering for ten years from fibromyalgia, a non-fatal but disabling neuromuscular disease, which developed following his serious car accident in 2008 in Mississippi. Whatever the case, Benoît Allende has lasting memories of these two days alongside the filmmaker. “We shook hands and I was able to tell him how much I simply admired him”, he says about their reunion because of the interview they gave to Guillaume Pley. And to reassure: “I noticed with joy that he was in better shape than last night”.



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