“What’s difficult is…” Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry talk about the complicated filming of intimate scenes

“What’s difficult is…” Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry talk about the complicated filming of intimate scenes
“What’s difficult is…” Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry talk about the complicated filming of intimate scenes

In Against youthe disturbing new miniseries from France 2 broadcast from this Wednesday June 19 at 9:10 p.m. (our opinion), Virginie Ledoyenback on the public channel two years later Diana of Poitiers with Isabelle Adjaniplays a woman who is the victim of multiple murder attempts. Lannick Gautryrecently seen in the psychological thriller Attractionplays the taciturn bodyguard hired by her husband (played by the always excellent Charlie Dupont) to protect it. Two people who were not necessarily supposed to meet and between whom a special feeling will arise… To talk about this thriller in 4 episodes, Télé-Loisirs met the two actors.

Against you : “It’s interesting to explore guilt”Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry lift the veil on the France 2 miniseries

Télé-Loisirs: Esther and Mathias have very different life paths and yet they are very similar…
Virginie Ledoyen
: They both have flaws and rough edges. One of the reasons why they fall in love is that they accept themselves as they are and not as they show themselves.
Lannick Gautry : They each have their own life but from the first meeting, at the first sight, there is something that happens. I feel like they both know it but are just pushing it away. These are two people who were meant to meet from the start.

There is this particular look that they exchange when they meet…
VL: It was the first day of filming between Lannick and me! For the characters, it’s love at first sight. They are married, happy in their lives. They hadn’t planned on having a lover, and it pisses them off.
LG: That’s exactly it. It’s really not a good time. As for my character, his wife is sick… How can he hurt her? Nothing is calculated and it falls on them in spite of themselves.

The series addresses the feeling of guilt. Is this an ideal subject for drama?
VL: It is the most harmful and widespread feeling in the world. Guilt is rarely constructive. It can lock people into patterns and postures. And Against you explore this.
LG: Guilt is created by the way others look at us and judge us. What I find with my character is that he goes beyond that. The question is, is there a right time to do it? Should the ordeal of others prevent us from living? It’s interesting to explore guilt.

Against you : “It was offered to us but…”Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry talk about how they approached the sex scenes in the disturbing France 2 miniseries

Do we learn things about ourselves by exploring these dark or unusual feelings?
LG: Honestly, I don’t mix. This job has never been therapy for me. I try to be available to the director, to give him what he wants. Afterwards, I don’t ask myself too many questions about my life. It’s a job. When it’s cut off, I don’t take work home.
VL: Being an actor means abandoning yourself to a character and to a director who accompanies you. It teaches us tolerance because we realize how complex humanity is.

Against you is a thriller and family drama. It is also a series which assumes its share of sensuality, particularly in the sex scenes. Have you hired an intimacy coordinator?
VL: It was offered to us, but Lannick and I felt we were old enough and got along well enough to do without it. He’s our director, Christophe Lamotte, who played this “role”. We knew that he had a kind and fair outlook on what it should be like. Obviously, these are not scenes where, when we return to the set in the morning, we say to ourselves that we are going to have a great day. For a thousand reasons. But as far as I’m concerned, it was done with great simplicity and fluidity. And Lannick is very respectful. I wasn’t embarrassed.
LG: With Virginie, we talked a lot. We knew we wanted to tell the same thing. We asked Christophe how he wanted to film, the shots he needed, because what is difficult in these scenes is to improvise. What mattered to him was the sensuality between the two characters. From there, we could play it without apprehension, without hiding.



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