End of the game for “Le Grand Dimanche Soir”: Charline Vanhoenacker comes out on top, in style

End of the game for “Le Grand Dimanche Soir”: Charline Vanhoenacker comes out on top, in style
End of the game for “Le Grand Dimanche Soir”: Charline Vanhoenacker comes out on top, in style

Lhe outcome seemed inevitable since the departure of Guillaume Meurice and the series of resignations that followed: this June 23, live, Charline Vanhoenacker revealed that The Great Sunday Evening was coming to an end, with columns marked by clear opposition to the far right and a plea for freedom of expression.

The phrase Good evening France Inter!, which became legendary thanks to Charline, will no longer resonate on our radios. After ten years of presence on the public airwaves and a season marked by the Sunday evening show, she announced, not without irony: “This time, it’s really the last. Don’t you think it’s exceptional to attend a funeral on a Sunday evening? I love dark humor. Take advantage of it before it gets sent away on charter. »

“One columnist lost per week for two months”

Charline then explained: “We all knew this was going to happen. For two months, we have lost a columnist every week.” She accused Radio France of having orchestrated a painful end for the show, referring to the ouster and dismissal of Guillaume Meurice (1): “Radio France sent us a grenade in the legs, and the dissolution been very, very long,” she commented, a “subtle” allusion to Emmanuel Macron’s words. She concluded by warning: “After having witnessed the dismantling of this program, we are preparing to witness the dismantling of the country. »

Charline Vanhoenacker expressed her fear about the rise in power of the National Rally: “Some people think that the arrival of the far right to power will not change anything. And it’s true, I tend to overdramatize. If you are not homosexual, not feminist, not black, not Muslim, not poor, not trans, not green, not Jewish, not a civil servant, not a comedian, not a single parent, not a trade unionist, not unemployed, then indeed, it does not Shouldn’t change anything.

She did not fail to criticize the big bosses who recently considered supporting the RN: “The sound of boots is no longer enough for them, they also offer a little shoe polish. This is what we call on the stock market the FAF 40 index.”

Read also
Dismissal of Guillaume Meurice at France Inter: three columnists announce their departure

An exit from the stage from above

Charline Vanhoenacker ends on a powerful note, leaving listeners to reflect on the importance of freedom of expression and the dangers that the far right represents for French society: “What is happening to us today could well happen to you tomorrow in your businesses, your associations, your families. From July 7, you may find yourself having to make this choice: stay or slam the door. Resist from the inside or resist from the outside. And there, everyone will do what they can. »

The departure of the journalist marks not only the disappearance of an emblematic program and a call for vigilance and civic commitment, but also the end of a crazy adventure which lasted ten years. A friendship of “comrade acrobats”. She concludes: “Today, we are separated on the air, but not in life. My last wish? That on July 7, the French choose to stay inside, because to show solidarity with democracy, leaving France is not an option. »

(1) Because of his joke about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whom he called “a kind of Nazi without a foreskin”. A sentence launched in November after the Hamas attacks, then repeated in April and immediately sanctioned by the radio management.



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