Maison Gainsbourg riddled with debt, Charlotte Gainsbourg keeps her spirits up and with these completely new photos

The Gainsbourg house opened its doors last September, under the watchful eye of Charlotte Gainsbourg. Since the opening, certain difficulties have been felt. But far from the actress the idea of ​​letting herself be defeated. The proof in pictures.

Maison Gainsbourg riddled with debt, Charlotte Gainsbourg keeps her spirits up and with these completely new photos

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It took Charlotte Gainsbourg time before accepting the idea of ​​opening wide the doors of her father Serge Gainsbourg, who died on March 2, 1991. The inauguration of Maison Gainsbourg, located at 5 bis rue de Verneuil, took place in September 2023 in the presence of Rachida Dati, mayor of the 7th arrondissement and now Minister of Culture. And more recently, Charlotte Gainsbourg and her son Ben Attal had the honor of seeing Maison Gainsbourg labeled House of the Illustrious.

This Friday, June 21, the day of the Music Festival in France, Charlotte Gainsbourg offered a unique insight into the Maison Gainsbourg to all those who have not yet had the chance to discover its interior, which has remained intact since the singer’s death. thirty-three years ago. In particular, we discover various objects owned by the artist, such as a series of handcuffs, a few dolls bearing his likeness and several perfume bottles.

On the occasion of the Fête de la Musique, discover the historic house in which Serge Gainsbourg lived for 22 years, legendary interior preserved intact since his disappearance in 1991. A true place of inspiration and creation, 5 bis rue de Verneuil is an integral element of the artist’s work. Through this unique photographic series, @CharlotteGainsbourg intimately opens the doors of the @MaisonGainsbourg, a new cultural institution dedicated to the transmission of her father’s work“, it is written in the comments.

Enough to make everyone who hasn’t yet been able to get their ticket want it. And the fans who have already visited the place don’t give up, the experience is indelible. “A visit full of emotions that I will always remember… Thank you very much to Charlotte and to all those who made this magic possible… It is a priceless gift for any Gainsbourg fanatic” can we read on the Instagram post published by Maison Gainsbourg. Images full of positivity even though the establishment is going through a financial crisis and is riddled with debt.

Maison Gainsbourg in a delicate financial situation

Last May, we learned in an article from the Informed that the establishment accumulated “1.65 million euros in debts to its various suppliers“in addition to the loan of 3.5 million euros made to the bank to set up the museum:”In February 2024, Arteum, the service provider responsible for the daily management of the venue (ticketing, communication, shop) had to send a formal notice: it is expecting more than €800,000 and the planned deadline is not respected.” EDF as well as a security company were not paid, threatening to “cease all services.”

The case is in the hands of the parties’ lawyers, and Charlotte Gainsbourg’s lawyer is categorical. Dominique Dutreix, the real estate developer with whom Charlotte Gainsbourg partnered equally in the project “did not keep his promises” : “The break between the two is complete. An ad hoc agent has been appointed and the situation of the establishment is being discussed before the Paris commercial court. According to an interim order issued at the end of March consulted by the Informed, Dominique Dutreix was ordered to replenish the establishment’s coffers to the tune of 1.5 million euros.”

Always specified by the Informed, Charlotte Gainsbourg “brought the building where his father had lived and he was responsible for the financing alone. It was up to him to find the necessary loans or to provide his own funds, the repayment of which he would obtain once Maison Gainsbourg became a beneficiary.“Let’s hope for everyone that things get back to normal quickly.



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