Gad Elmaleh reveals being the target of anti-Semitic threats: “That doesn’t worry me”

The comedian gave a long interview to the newspaper La Tribune in which he revealed that he was the target of very violent threats.

Gad Elmaleh gave a long interview in which he revealed that he was the victim of violent threats on the Internet – Photo News
Published on 06/23/2024 at 5:28 p.m.
By A. Sch. (DR)


Gad Elmaleh is back on stage with a new show entitled “Him-toime” throughout France and Belgium. For the occasion, he gave a long interview to the newspaper La Tribune Dimanche, in which he addresses several subjects includinganti-Semitism which is rampant throughout Europe. The comedian, originally from a Jewish family, reveals having been the target of threats on social networks.

I received violent threats on social networks, anonymous of course » he declares. “ But that doesn’t worry me. I don’t think I’m at the heart of the threat. » For him, anti-Semitism is “ a dull noise, always omnipresent. » However, the actor does not see himself becoming the spokesperson for the Jewish community in France. “ It’s soothing to have figures in each community who speak out. It’s soothing, but not always helpful » nuance the 53-year-old actor.

Gad Elmaleh continues by giving his idea of ​​the form of combat that must be waged. “ We must manage to make anti-Semitism everyone’s problem. This should concern everyone, not just Jews. The same goes for the fight against sexism, men must take charge. Likewise, pedophilia in the Church must become the problem of all society »continues the comedian.

Not all Jews in France think the same », he recalls. “ There are many different schools of thought. (…) There are Jews who are opposed to a woman being a rabbi, for example. I was criticized for showing a female rabbi in my film. I was told it was a serious sin. Some rabbis even called to boycott me » he concludes when talking about his film “Reste un peu”.

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