accused of being “full of botox”, Johnny’s daughter attracts the wrath of the Internet

Johnny’s daughters have grown up! At 19 and 15 years old, they intrigued the French public. On Thursday June 20, a documentary dedicated to them, Jade and Joy: the secrets of the Hallyday girlswill be broadcast at 9:10 p.m. on NRJ12. In the latter, Michael-Sean Klemeniuk, Jade’s former boyfriend, makes rare revelations about the two young girls, as well as their mother.

Laeticia, I think she’s a wonderful mother. […] She does a lot for her children. […] She is there when her daughters are not feeling well, she tries to do everything to make everything good and perfect”, he said in particular. And if there is one thing that concerns Laeticia Hallyday, it is the criticism that her daughters receive on social networks!

Laeticia Hallyday defends her daughters in the face of criticism on social networks

Indeed, under each of their publications, Jade and Joy Hallyday are the target of attacks. The latter, which Internet users criticize for being too “vulgar“, not “enough dressed” Or “smiling”, can fortunately count on the unfailing support of their mother. For her daughters, Laeticia Hallyday does not hesitate to go to the front.

Last November, at the microphone of RTLshe denounced: “It’s every day on social media. I try to protect them as best I can. We talk about it a lot. They are affected, very affected. […] This violence is gratuitous, hidden behind a computer. With words that hurt, that damage, that can dent you for the rest of your life”.

photo credit: Instagram

Joy Hallyday, 15, violently attacked on her physique on Instagram

Unfortunately, this speech by Johnny’s widow was not enough to put an end to the online attacks. Joy Hallyday once again paid the price following her last Instagram publication. Under the series of photos of her, in which she poses like any teenager of her age, the virulent comments have accumulated.

Sad to cry… No class… What is his mother doing? There are limits !” ; “Why such a provocation? Why so much vulgarity?” ; “Narcissism when you hold us” ; “She only exudes vulgarity, no respect for her father”… So many destructive remarks which multiply by dozens, even hundreds.

Accused of having abused cosmetic surgery, Joy Hallyday still faces the same criticism

Still others believe that Joy Hallyday would have abused ‘cosmetic surgery’, without even being able to provide proof. “15 years old and already full of botox” ; “Did you also have your mouth done?” ; “Stop all these surgeries, you don’t need this” ; “Titted breasts, false eyelashes, botoxed mouth…”, the comments follow one another.

photo credit: Instagram

Fortunately, some Internet users are defending Joy Hallyday: “Johnny would like her happiness, she is right, she is enjoying her life” ; “Joy, don’t listen to the haters who would like to have your youth” ; “What wickedness, look at you” ; “If you like Johnny Hallyday, respect his daughters!“Support still too rare in the face of the influx of hatred…



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