Kate Middleton very thin at Trooping the Color: Meghan Markle’s pet peeve sets foot in the dish

Kate Middleton very thin at Trooping the Color: Meghan Markle’s pet peeve sets foot in the dish
Kate Middleton very thin at Trooping the Color: Meghan Markle’s pet peeve sets foot in the dish

It’s an appearance that was expected. For several months, Kate Middleton has been very discreet. The Princess of Wales has announced her battle with cancer and has taken a step back to focus solely on her health. On June 15, the Trooping the Color parade took place in the United Kingdom. The British were eager to know if Kate Middleton was going to be there. The appearance of Prince William’s wife was closely scrutinized and commented on in particular by Piers Morgan. The journalist did not mince his words as indicated The Independent and he claimed that she was “quite thin”.

It was in a video shared on Youtube that Piers Morgan gave a very blunt opinion on the appearance of Kate Middleton. Known for his outspokenness, particularly because of his various quarrels with Meghan Markle, the journalist was blunt.
According to him, the Princess of Wales and Charles III must publicly explain what type of cancer they suffer from. An opinion that is not shared by many Internet users and they did not hesitate to tell him so in the comments. “Catherine is a public person, not public property. Give her space and time to heal” or It is inappropriate to ask the type of cancer or to call Catherine ‘skinny'” we could read.

Kate Middleton: a very notable appearance

The whole world was impatiently awaiting Kate Middleton’s return to the spotlight. If she didn’t want to miss this event, the Princess of Wales has no plans to return anytime soon. Indeed, she still needs a lot of time to rest. His presence at Trooping the Color was unexpected and, as noted Page Sixonly a few people were informed.
Prince William’s wife did everything with the greatest discretion, including her choice of clothing.

Kate Middleton chose to wear an outfit that she had previously appeared in publicly. This one was modified a little and adjusted to fit her. The Princess of Wales did not want to give false hope to the British by announcing her arrival since, until the last moment, she could ultimately have felt bad and canceled. In the columns of ET Online this Tuesday, June 18, Katie NIcholl let it be known that Kate Middleton was well looked after. “There was a moment when she was watching the parade…and she was offered a seat, which she gratefully accepted” revealed the expert. A clarification which highlights the fact that Prince William’s wife still needs to rest.

Kate Middleton: the princess reassures the British

A few days before her first official appearance in several months, Kate Middleton shared an image on her social networks. The Princess of Wales was dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt and a suit jacket. She poses in nature and, in the caption of her publication, Kate Middleton gives her news. “I’m making good progress. But as anyone who goes through chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days. On these bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to resting your body ”, she explained. Impatient to return to her royal commitments, Kate Middleton takes time to rest and think about her health.

Kate Middleton wanted at all costs to be there for King Charles III. As noted by Katie Nicholl, she had a discussion with Prince William and the king. She could have made the choice to wait for her children at the palace but she preferred to travel with them and join her husband, as well as King Charles III, on the balcony. The expert affirms that this is a decision taken by the principal concerned. “There was no pressure from anyone. She really wanted to do this,” she said. Concerning King Charles III, the latter did not think for a second that she could steal the show. He just wanted his daughter-in-law to stand by his side for this special occasion.



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