Jean-Jacques Debout: this archaic hit earned him at least 1 million euros

Jean-Jacques Debout: this archaic hit earned him at least 1 million euros
Jean-Jacques Debout: this archaic hit earned him at least 1 million euros

In his show broadcast every morning on C8, Jordan receives guests from the world of entertainment, cinema, media and politics. The specialist always manages to give them scoops on their career, their private life, their success or their failures.

Thursday June 19, the journalist received Jean-Jacques Debout. From the outset, he announced that he had had “little problems” with the author, composer, and performer. “At one point, we no longer spoke to each other at all”, he admitted. Fortunately, at present, everything is arranged and Chantal Goya’s ex-husband was able to reveal his most intimate secrets, including the small jackpot he received thanks to a hit.

A very catchy hit, known to all

During the Cash question sequence, Jordan obviously broached the subject of Chantal Goya’s great career. Jean-Jacques Debout followed her closely, since he is not only her husband since 1966, but the one who wrote several of her songs. The composer has also written for the biggest stars. For example, he is the author of For me life will beginfrom the album Where are you from Johnny released in 1963.

Very inspired, the artist left his signature on many hits. It was also he who wrote Captain Flam.
This hit, which is one of the greatest cartoon credits, performed by Richard Simon, is undoubtedly one of those which earned him the most. ” How much ? » the journalist obviously wanted to know.

“Quite honestly, I don’t know how to count”

Even if he was unable to reveal the exact amount, Jean-Jacques Debout still conceded that it was a significant amount, which undoubtedly exceeded a million, even if it was not as consistent as the one who reported “a figure with 6 zeros” to Claude François’s son. “Quite honestly, I don’t know how to count, but I’ve never made songs for money”he simply said, still answering “yes” when Jordan wanted to know if “it had brought in a lot”.

The funniest ? Among all those he wrote, this one was undeniably not the composer’s favorite. “I liked it, but I wasn’t crazy about that title! » he confessed. Proof that, sometimes, the public’s tastes differ from those of their authors, and that success can largely be unexpected.



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