“What people had failed to tell me…”: Pierre Niney makes touching confidences about his daughters

“What people had failed to tell me…”: Pierre Niney makes touching confidences about his daughters
“What people had failed to tell me…”: Pierre Niney makes touching confidences about his daughters

His family is his secret garden. Pierre Niney is not the type to speak at length about his private life. “My personal life only concerns me, I cherish it and I protect it. Preciously“, he proclaims in the columns of
Psychology Magazine this Wednesday, June 19. However, he has agreed to indulge in rare confidences on her two little girls, Lola and Billie, aged six and five respectively.

It all went away as he spoke these last three years which have been complicated. “I had some hard times on a personal level, went through certain trials, from which I had been spared until then“, he confides to our colleagues, with modesty. And to add: “These three years were complicated, but they taught me a lot. On humans, on resources that I could have and that I did not suspect. They allowed me to stabilize. To refocus. I think I have calmed my impatience and grounded myself a little more in the present.

Pierre Niney talks about his “instant, absolute, irreversible love” for his daughters

Surprisingly, from this ordeal, Pierre Niney “touched the appeasement“.”It’s funny, because the older we get, the more lucid we are about the state of the world and the less hope we have. At the same time, something within oneself calms down“, he analyzes. His authorship is not certainly “no stranger to this feeling. The presence of his daughters during this ordeal undoubtedly helped Pierre Niney get through it.

Father of two children born from his love affair with Natasha Andrews, Pierre Niney believes he has not become “father on the first day“.”We learn to become one on the jobwatching your children grow, seeing their personalities take shape“, he explains. And if he expected “has this instantaneous, absolute, irreversible love“, however, he was surprised. “What people failed to tell me is that it would constantly evolve with them and over the years: it’s as challenging as it is great, tiring as it is exciting.“, marvels François Civil’s accomplice.

How his daughters make Pierre Niney a better actor

And added: “A child is a particle accelerator. Stress, fear, even anxiety. But they’re also a constant reminder of the present, and that’s great – if you can really be with them in the moment, in the game, you even gain years of life.” Cherry on the cake : his daughters even allow him to be a better actor.

My job is the work of preserving childhood, body and soul. It means refusing the madness of adults, cultivating the fantasy of childhood, protecting this territory attacked every day by age, the world around us, our desire for performance. If you leave this continent, it’s dead. You can play, but you will have lost the fun. My daughters allow me to find him every day“, he explains. A dad satisfied in every way.



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