this terrible decision taken the very morning of Mireille Darc’s funeral

this terrible decision taken the very morning of Mireille Darc’s funeral
this terrible decision taken the very morning of Mireille Darc’s funeral

On September 1, 2018, there were many of them at Saint-Sulpice church. Many came to pay their last respects to Mireille Darc, who died at the age of 79. There was Line Renaud, Claire Chazal, Carla Bruni, Alain Delon and even Johnny Hallyday. For several months, however, the idol of young people had been fighting against cancer which ended up winning him. Exhausted by the heavy treatments he was undergoing at the time. But despite the fatigue and pain, he wanted to pay tribute to his close friend. Alongside Laeticia Hallyday, Johnny appeared exhausted. With drawn features and a thin body, he hid behind large sunglasses. It must be said that the very morning of this moving ceremony, the Taulier had made a heartbreaking decision as Jean-Jacques Debout recounted.

“That’s the last time I saw him.”

“He had decided to stop his radiation for his generalized cancer”, he recalled on the set of Chez Jordan de Luxe this Tuesday, June 18. That day, he didn’t know it yet, but he sawn “brother” for the last time. “He kisses me and says, ‘I’m afraid this is the last time we kiss.’he said. I said to him: ‘Listen, I don’t think you look bad’.” “Then we attended mass, and he saw Alain Delon passing by in tears as we were going to bless the coffin. I went with him and afterwards, he fell into Alain Delon’s arms, described Chantal Goya’s husband on (…)

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