Kate Winslet reflects on her ‘not so great’ kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic

Kate Winslet reflects on her ‘not so great’ kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic
Kate Winslet reflects on her ‘not so great’ kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic

In an interview with Vanity Fairthe British actress returns to the cult scene of her kiss with Jack Dawson, which became one of the most famous in the history of cinema.

Kate Winslet became known to the general public for her role as Rose DeWitt Bukater in Titanic. Twenty-seven years after the release of James Cameron’s cult film, the 48-year-old actress returned to her famous kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio on the bow of the liner. In a video interview given to Vanity Fair , revealed on June 12, she nevertheless assures: no, this kiss “was not as great as it seemed”. Enough to plunge our dear Jack Dawson even further into the depths of the ocean.

The British star backs up his remarks. She confides in particular that the scene was complicated to film: firstly because she was responsible for doing her and DiCaprio’s makeup touch-ups between takes, given that the crew was not able to reach them. quickly. And then, because the actual kiss was “ruined” when the two foundations – in different tones – ended up blending together. “We kept doing this kiss… With the makeup running, I ended up looking like I licked caramel.”

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DiCaprio’s giggles

Looking back, Kate Winslet even calls the filming of this scene a “nightmare”. And for good reason: in addition to the makeup running, Leonardo DiCaprio “couldn’t stop laughing” while she “couldn’t breathe in this damn corset” she was wearing.

But the game was worth it. Titanic is today a great cinema classic. It became one of the most beloved and successful films of all time. And the kiss between Rose and Jack, a cult. “I feel like this film continues to speak,” says Kate Winslet. “Entire generations of people are discovering the film or seeing it for the first time and there’s something extraordinary about it.”




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