2 and a half years after his death, Victor Belmondo talks about Jean-Paul Belmondo: “He was a…

2 and a half years after his death, Victor Belmondo talks about Jean-Paul Belmondo: “He was a…
2 and a half years after his death, Victor Belmondo talks about Jean-Paul Belmondo: “He was a…

France TV (DR) / INA (DR)

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

In the same way that one train can hide another, a Belmondo can hide another. After Jean-Paul’s immense career in cinema, and Paul’s accomplished career as a pilot in particular, it is the young Victor Belmondo who takes his turn. On this occasion, he spoke about his illustrious grandfather.

Is the dynasty about to lengthen it? It’s very likely. After Paul Belmondo, it’s the turn of grandson Victor to get people talking about him. Starring in “She & Him & the Rest of the World”, where he plays the main role, the young thirty-year-old is determined to make a name for himself. He indeed refutes any argument according to which his surname would have helped him to become known in his profession, as explained in “Télématin”:

It’s difficult to answer this question. I would say it’s neither. I don’t understand what it is. I think we should think about the people who made me work if it was an advantage or a handicap. In any case, I never wanted it to be an advantage, I never made it so that it was an advantage. If it was an advantage, it was in spite of me. And if that was an inconvenience too.

Victor Belmondo confides in his legendary grandfather

Whatever happens, the time has come to take flight for the native of Boulogne-Billancourt, who took advantage of a visit to the set of “C L’Hebdo” to confide in Jean-Paul Belmondo and on their relationship :

He was a fairly modest person, who didn’t reveal much. He didn’t say things directly. But, between the lines, we all knew he was happy that someone was taking up the torch.

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If Victor Belmondo wants to have a career, it is partly because his illustrious grandfather gave him his blessing. A highlight for him:

I think I told my grandfather quite late that I was going to do this job. But, he came to see me perform on stage. It was pressure for me, but also for my comrades who were on stage.

He came to see me, and it’s true that at the end of the performance, he said to me: “You seem like you were made for this.” You can go “.

Beyond this validation, the bond between Victor and Jean-Paul Belmondo has always been strong. It was also the young man who spoke at the funeral, which he told “La Tribune Dimanche”:

It’s true that I am a fairly discreet person and it would not have spontaneously occurred to me to speak in front of the whole of France. But we were told it would be nice to have someone from the family give a speech. Those around me didn’t feel it at all. Me neither, by the way, but for them, I was the one who would be the least uncomfortable. I said these words out of love for my grandfather and for my family.

Very admiring of his grandfather, both as an actor and as a man, Victor Belmondo obviously does not fail to shower him with compliments whenever he has the opportunity. His ambitious project is now clear: to make him proud of where he is, and to establish himself as an actor for his talent above all. Good luck to him !



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