“Would you prefer a music column or a cooking column?” : Alex Vizorek pays Julien Sellier and Philippe Caverivière, his colleagues from RTL

“Would you prefer a music column or a cooking column?” : Alex Vizorek pays Julien Sellier and Philippe Caverivière, his colleagues from RTL
“Would you prefer a music column or a cooking column?” : Alex Vizorek pays Julien Sellier and Philippe Caverivière, his colleagues from RTL

The wealth of political news with the dissolution of the National Assembly and the holding of early legislative elections inspires comedian Alex Vizorek. In his column today, on RTL, he notably returned to the candidacy of François Hollandes in these legislative elections.

François Hollande is a candidate in Corrèze and according to Rachida Dati, he wants to be Prime Minister” introduces Isabelle Choquet to launch Vizorek on the subject. “That would be the height of becoming prime minister of your former minister” analyzes Alex Vizorek, after having mentioned, at the start of his column, the candidacy of Marie-Caroline Le Pen in these same elections. Before continuing: “It’s a bit as if I, behind your back Julien, were going to scheme everything to take the presentation of ‘RTL Bonsoir’ next year and that you in September agreed to become a columnist on my show” he said to Julien Sellier.

Also read: “Thank you RTL for offering me humorous asylum just in time”: Alex Vizorek destroys France Inter after the suspension of Guillaume Meurice

“It’s a bit as if Philippe Caverivière was making comments to me about good taste in clothing”

The latter then asks the comedian: “Reassure me, this is not your ambition?“. Alex Vizorek continues his momentum: “Do you prefer a music column or a cooking column? No, because when it comes to humor, well, you know you don’t have all the skills…” Laughter bursts forth in the RTL studio.
Last week, the show had already received the surprise applications of Guillaume Meurice and Aymeric Lompret, who came to ask private radio “the humorous asylum“.

Isabelle Choquet relaunches for the rest of the column: “Manuel Valls, the former Prime Minister of François Hollande, reacted to the announcement of this surprise candidacy by declaring: “It’s not worthy of him.”“Alex Vizorek continues to unwind the thread of his column of the day:”Frankly, when it’s Manuel Vall who gives you lessons in dignity, it’s hot. It’s a bit as if Philippe Caverivière was making remarks to me regarding good taste in clothing, there are limits…“. His counterpart who speaks in the morning on RTL will appreciate it.

Also read: “It was really my last column”: After Aymeric Lompret, another comedian leaves France Inter on the verge of tears, in support of Guillaume Meurice

An extract from a column, in which Alex Vizorek also mentioned Doully’s resignation from France Inter, that puremedias.com invites you to watch.



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