“I was stuck in the corridors”: Corinne Touzet attacked, her opinion decided on #MeToo in Cinema

“I was stuck in the corridors”: Corinne Touzet attacked, her opinion decided on #MeToo in Cinema
“I was stuck in the corridors”: Corinne Touzet attacked, her opinion decided on #MeToo in Cinema

No one was spared. “I’m part of
the most exposed generation to these problems“, believes Corinne Touzet in the columns of We both this Monday, June 17. In recent months, the #MeToo movement has gained new momentum in France. If personalities like Adèle Haenel have led the fight for women since 2019, today, it is Judith Godrèche who is the spokesperson for the movement.

Her speaking out against Benoît Jacquot then Jacques Doillon allowed other actresses to make chilling revelations in turn. “I am extremely admiring that actresses are speaking today. I found that Judith Godrèche had extreme courage“, confides this Woman of honor. If she does not open up about what she herself went through, Corinne Touzet reveals that she was the victim of inappropriate behavior.

Corinne Touzet: “I suffered attacks, I was harassed

In the 1980s, we were subject to macho diktats. When I arrived in Paris, at 21, we were prey, often terrorized, besieged“, she explains to our colleagues. And adds: “Yes, I was attacked, I was harassed, I was cornered in corridors.“The testimonies of actresses and cinema technicians help to highlight what’s wrong with this industry.

A cataclysm which leads to regulation of this environment which until now protected these leading directors and actors guilty of ignominies. “The most important thing is that it is no longer possible“, rejoices Corinne Touzet who sees the progress that this movement has made possible.

Corinne Touzet, shunned by the small screen?

Little present on the small screen in recent years, Corinne Touzet will be showing in the Duplex this Tuesday, June 18 on France 2. The public service channel is broadcasting this boulevard play which is a hit on the stage and in which she stars alongside Francis Perrin, Pascal Légitimus and Anny Duperey. If Corinne Touzet would not be not opposed to playing a recurring role on television againhowever, she does not complain about her weak presence in the small skylight.

I’m not going to whine or beg for work, I’m not unhappy“, she swears. And to qualify: “But I find it unfortunate thatwe don’t think about people of my generation. In the theater, on the other hand, there are plenty of roles! So I move forward, I have fun, the rooms are full and I don’t think any further.” “I would dream of playing granny rolesbut I am not offered any“, she slips in by way of conclusion. A word to the wise…



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