Jean-Marc Généreux promises a roller coaster of emotions for the next season of Révolution

Jean-Marc Généreux promises a roller coaster of emotions for the next season of Révolution
Jean-Marc Généreux promises a roller coaster of emotions for the next season of Révolution

On the stage of the next season of Revolution, we will see the crème de la crème, that is to say the dancers who have distinguished themselves since the beginning of the show. Filming has barely started when master Jean-Marc Généreux is already promising us a roller coaster of emotions!

• Read also: What is the “revolution” moment in the life of the masters of the show?

• Read also: Jean-Marc Généreux and Mel Charlot reunited on another show

Jean-Marc, how did you react when you learned that the sixth season of Revolution would be a special edition all stars?

I knew that the emotion would be there, since we know all the dancers who appear before us. They have participated in one or other of the previous five seasons of Revolution. Lydia, Email and so I look for the star among these stars, the one that stands out from the rest. Let me tell you that our task is both wonderful and heartbreaking!

Why is that?

All the participants of the sixth season have already made it to the unlikely duos stage. We are therefore talking about very talented dancers. Honestly, however, I did not expect such a high level cohort. From the first audition, we are treated to numbers worthy of a final. Imagine how hard it is for us to judge that! They are all extraordinary, they all deserve to go further. We must pay attention to the smallest details to choose those who will move on to the next stage.

What has surprised you the most so far?

HAS Revolution, we have solos, duos and groups. Some participants from previous seasons returned, but not in the same form. I won’t tell you more, but I have cried out in surprise a few times since filming began! There are also dancers who were already extremely good and who have evolved greatly since their last time at Revolution. The wonderful thing about dance is that you never stop learning and refining your art. We have more proof than ever this season.

Since January, you have been traveling back and forth between Quebec and Paris to participate, as a judge, in the filming of Dance with the stars. What is the main difference between the two shows?

HAS Revolution, I judge dancers. HAS Dance with the stars, I judge actors, presenters, singers or athletes who are not dancers in life. Paired with a professional, they perform dance numbers and, each week, a couple is eliminated. Whether I judge professionals or amateurs, my job is the same: address the person in front of me taking into account their experience and the goal to achieve.

That’s to say?

A teacher supports his students, providing them with tools to improve, while taking their progress into account. But the goal remains the same: to teach! And that’s what I like about my role as a judge, no matter the continent, no matter the concept of the show: I share my passion for dance.

Recently, you became a real star among young French people thanks to your participation in the special show Dancing with the Internet Stars!

Eh yes! Instead of being television stars, they are YouTubers, TikTokers or streamers who participate in the competition. To my great surprise, thanks to this edition, young people approach me in the streets of Paris to chat and take a photo with me. At 61, I didn’t expect to be cool for young people at all!

Turn Revolution in Quebec should simplify your family life!

Yes. Just the fact of being able to come home in the evening, to be present with my disabled daughter during my days off, it does me immense good. When I am present on a set, whether here or on the other side of the ocean, I never lose sight of the fact that it is thanks to my wife, France, if I can live these magnificent experiences. She put her professional life aside to devote herself to the well-being of our little princess, Francesca, and I am immensely grateful to her.

An admiring judge

Jean-Marc has boundless admiration for the dancers who participate in the sixth season of Revolution. “They have well-established careers, they are all stars in their style of dance. And now they put themselves in danger by participating in this special edition! Their courage and passion for their art are highly inspiring!”

The sixth season of Revolution will be presented to TVA in September.

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