At odds with her father, Shiloh Jolie Pitt has been trying to change her name for 4 years

At odds with her father, Shiloh Jolie Pitt has been trying to change her name for 4 years
At odds with her father, Shiloh Jolie Pitt has been trying to change her name for 4 years

According to a source from Daily Mailthe daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has been waiting for a long time to be able to legally request a change of her last name.

She decided to no longer carry her father’s last name. According to TMZ , Shiloh Jolie Pitt “filed paperwork requesting a legal name change, specifically removing the “Pitt” from her last name and simply wanting to go by “Shiloh Jolie” on May 30, three days after celebrating his 18th birthday.”

However according to the Daily Mail , this request had already been made four years earlier during his parents’ divorce hearings. A source told the British daily that: “The name change dates back to the custody battle and Shiloh’s belief that her rights as a victim had been violated.”

As a reminder, on September 14, 2016, the entire Jolie-Pitt family – Brad, Angelina and their six children – left Nice for Los Angeles aboard their plane. But during this flight, Brad Pitt, drunk, flies into a rage and decides to attack his wife and children. During this altercation, he allegedly “poured beer” on his ex-wife, and “beer and red wine on the children.”
The facts reported do not stop there. According to Angelina Jolie, the actor came to blows. He allegedly “grabbed her by the head and shook her” before “pushing her against the wall of the toilet (of the plane)”.
At that point, “the children intervened,” the court document states. In rage, Brad Pitt then “strangled one of the children and punched another in the face”. Some “asked him to stop”, others “cried”, we learn.

On top of that, at that time, “Shiloh also hadn’t had a chance to talk about what happened on that fateful flight in 2016, which led to the end of her parents’ marriage – even if she wanted to,” says a source at DailyMail. HASbefore continuing: “During the custody hearings, Shiloh and the rest of the children were allegedly prevented from testifying by Pitt’s attorneys, who had an undisclosed financial relationship with the judge.”

Read alsoShiloh Jolie-Pitt also asks to remove her father’s last name on her 18th birthday

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Brothers and sisters united

Shiloh is one of the couple’s three biological children, along with 15-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are also parents of three other adopted children, Zahara, 19, Pax, 20, and Maddox, 22, who also no longer wish to use their father’s name.

Shiloh Jolie’s decision comes days after her sister Vivienne Jolie-Pitt decided to no longer include her father’s name on the musical’s poster The Outsiders (the adaptation of a novel by SE Hinton, already made into a film by Francis Ford Coppola) on which she is working alongside her mother Angelina Jolie.
A point of view that seems to be the same for all of the couple’s children. Indeed, last November, during an induction ceremony at the university where Zahara studies, it was the turn of the 19-year-old young woman to change her name. The latter asked to be called Zahara Marley Jolie. It remains to be seen whether the change was made legally, underlines the magazine People.

Still according to the Daily Mail, a source claims Brad Pitt was “devastated” by the name change requested by Shiloh and her children. “For him, it was more than a name change: it was a symbol of a deeper alienation that had been brewing for years,” the source reported.
At this time, it’s unclear whether Knox and Vivienne (the couple’s youngest children) want to follow in their siblings’ footsteps when they turn 18 in July 2026.



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