“I needed time and I took it. There, things are going well, I’m back in the saddle,” Patrice Michaud told the Journal

“I needed time and I took it. There, things are going well, I’m back in the saddle,” Patrice Michaud told the Journal
“I needed time and I took it. There, things are going well, I’m back in the saddle,” Patrice Michaud told the Journal

Many artists and admirers reacted to Patrice Michaud’s most recent publication in which he breaks the silence on his year off from his career. The day after his moving sharing, the singer told Newspaper why he wanted to reveal himself in such a “simple and honest” way. »

“I don’t display my private life much on social networks, it’s a universe with which I really have a love-hate relationship. But I told myself that it was a good time to say: there you go, I needed time and I took it. There, things are going well, it’s fun, I’m back in the saddle. I’m doing really well,” confided the singer who we met during the rehearsal for the National Day show, which will be held this summer on the Plains of Abraham.

Patrice Michaud thought the moment was perfect to mark his return; him that he is preparing to go back on stage to take part in two major concerts on the Plains of Abraham: July 26 with I saw the wolf, the fox, the lion and June 23, for Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day.

“I didn’t want to explain anything, because I don’t think it’s that interesting, and because there are matters I keep to myself. It was more because I was receiving emails, there were people who were worried… I wanted to tell them that it’s been a long break, a long reset to rest and for the body to fully recharge,” the singer-songwriter continued.

The 43-year-old artist stopped all his professional activities last summer, starting with the cancellation of his concert planned at the Quebec Summer Festival “for medical reasons”.

He made a mini comeback by going back on stage last December to sing a few songs with his friend Pierre Lapointe in his Christmas show Winter songs. “It was to dip my little toe,” he laughed.

“I withdrew to take care. From me and mine,” he wrote in his Facebook and Instagram post which was commented on and liked several hundred times by people in the public and the industry.

“I found it touching to read all this. Social networks can also be a transmission belt to reconnect with those we love and people we don’t know; that’s the love side of my love-hate relationship,” he added.

In his return message, Patrice Michaud took the opportunity to encourage his subscribers to take a break from the networks, an exercise which did him a lot of good.

“I didn’t want to read what people were saying or what they wanted to know. It was important for me to detach myself from all that,” he said.

Projects on the horizon

Patrice Michaud says he is “turned on” by collective shows where artists share passion, songs and local repertoire. “I say yes to that all the time. I was made for these shows-there “.

The fact that the mental load is shared between the artists during this type of collective show also allows him to return without feeling too much pressure.

What else does he see on the horizon? “I write, slowly, not quickly, without pressure. Affairs which, I hope, will serve more than one artistic purpose. We’ll see if that happens. An album of songs, obviously I would like that, but with no horizon of expectation, no release date, no pressure,” concluded the artist.

