“If I had spoken…”: Ségolène Royal talks about the adultery she suffered by François Hollande

“If I had spoken…”: Ségolène Royal talks about the adultery she suffered by François Hollande
“If I had spoken…”: Ségolène Royal talks about the adultery she suffered by François Hollande

Ségolène Royal has found a new media life alongside Cyril Hanouna. The former minister and presidential candidate has become a recurring feature on the TV star’s shows to provide her policy expertise. This is how she was present on the set of Bang with Baba this Thursday, May 23, 2024 on C8 to address the famous debate between Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal. At the end of her speech, she mentioned her former companion François Hollande, with whom she formed a power couple politics a few years ago.

Addressing the subject of her 2007 campaign, during which she lost in the second round to Nicolas Sarkozy, Ségolène Royal was questioned by Cyril Hanouna about François Hollande. Curious, he asks her if at that time they were both still in a relationship. “It depends what we mean by being together“, she begins by saying, with a smirk. Then she specifies that this type of marital situation would no longer be possible today, in the era of #MeToo: “You’re running a campaign, you’re raising four kids [chacun a pour père l’ancien président ; Thomas (1984), qui est avocat, Clémence (1986), spécialiste en hépato-gastro-entérologie à Paris, Julien (1987), cinéaste, et Flora (1992), psychologue] and in addition his spouse who is with another.”

Why didn’t Ségolène Royal end her relationship with François Hollande, when she discovered that he was seeing journalist Valérie Trierweiler? His answer is simple, it is “law of silence“which results from”psychological violence“. She specifies: “If I had spoken, if I had said the slightest thing, people would have said: ‘You see, she is unbalanced, she is not structured, she is fragile. So we shut our mouths. We continue to move forward. Oh yeah, it’s hard.

François Hollande, serial deceiver

Ségolène Royal formalized the breakup with François Hollande in June 2007. It is in a book entitled LBehind the scenes of a defeat, to be published on Wednesday and written by two journalists from the AFP political service, that she announces that she and her partner François Hollande have separated, on a date that she refused to specify. However, she originally wanted to release a joint press release with her ex but the information was visibly leaked.

The one who was President of the Republic from 2012 to 2017 cheated on his partner (Valérie Trierweiler) since the scandal exploded in the pages of the magazine Closer, revealing photos of the head of state’s nightly visits on a scooter to find his beloved. The one who wrote in the pages of Paris Match took revenge with a book with an eloquent title on her short-lived period as first lady, Thank you for this moment.



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