finally paintings by Camille Pissarro at the museum

finally paintings by Camille Pissarro at the museum
finally paintings by Camille Pissarro at the Pontoise museum


Fabrice Cahen

Published on

Oct 20, 2024 at 8:54 a.m.

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Finally, paintings by the master of impressionism visible in (Val-d’Oise).

Having been in charge of the Pontoise museums for only two years, Vincent Pruchnicki has worked hard to make the Pissarro museum a place worthy of its name.

Since the City closed the Tavet museum, whose dilapidated building must be renovated for another purpose, it is at the Pissarro museum, clearly visible on the ramparts, that the cultural attractiveness of the city of art and of history.

Through the remarkable exhibition which is being held until January 19, 2025 around works by the cult painter from Pontoise, a real municipal policy of “radiation of the Pissarro-Pontoise (Mahpp) art and history museum” is deployed. wishes Stéphanie Von Euw, mayor (LR).

Indeed, works will be placed on permanent deposit there by several museums, thus allowing Pontoise to have a space of full cultural interest. For two years, the town hall has committed to financing insurance and loan costs in order to offer the public the opportunity to admire paintings by Pissarro, in the city where he stayed for twenty-five years.

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“Manage to build a collection with five major works permanently on display”,

Vincent Pruchnicki
curator of the Pontoise museum


“This is a process that began in September 2023 with the Orsay museum (). Very quickly the national museum facilitated the idea of ​​this exhibition which contributes to the influence of their own collection”, explains the curator who drew up a list of paintings that he would like to see exhibited and to which the Musée d’Orsay “responded favorably for more than half,” he rejoices.

Paintings which should “probably reach the galleries of Pontoise from 2026”, he reveals.

Camille Pissarro’s self-portrait could thus return to the Val-d’Oise museum, would have already confirmed the director of the Orsay collections.

Until now, the Pontoise museum has around a hundred drawings and engravings by the master of impressionism. Soon, his paintings will be visible to the public.

We have visitors who are surprised to come to the Pissarro museum and discover only one pre-impressionist painting by the master,” underlines Vincent Pruchnicki.

In the future, when visitors wander through the museum, each room will have a painting by Camille Pissarro.

“The goal is to create emulation around the museum,” he hopes.

Tourists who have passed through Auvers-sur-Oise without seeing a painting by Vincent Van Gogh can continue their visit to Pontoise and its authentic Pissarro museum.

Monet too

Paintings by Pissarro but not only, the Musée d’Orsay is ready to display a view of Vétheuil by Claude Monet and a view of Auvers-sur-Oise by Victor Vignon would also soon be visible in Pontoise.

A painting by Gustave Caillebotte would however be taken up, to be replaced by La Diligence, route d’Ennery by Camille Pissarro.

“The descendants of Pissarro even left a chest of drawers from his home in Éragny-sur-Epte,” Vincent Pruchnicki does not fail to praise.

The Pissarro exhibition on the path to Pontoise, which opened on Friday October 18, 2024, allows you to discover Camille Pissarro in several aspects of his career.

“The exhibition foreshadows the permanent journey of the museum,” also specifies the exhibition curator. Drawings, letters and paintings, but also a document from the artist’s estate, a deed of acquisition of the house in Éragny-sur-Epte (Oise), a letter from Gauguin to Pissarro, on the first impressionist exhibition in 1874 and a portrait of Degas, which opened the artistic circle around the leading painter of Pontoise.

Loans from the museums of (Seine-Maritime), (North), (Bas-Rhin) and Étampes (Essonne) complete the process..

Between the Orsay Museum and that of Giverny (Eure), the Pontoise Museum is gaining fame.

Exceptional loans

Seven paintings by Camille Pissarro are visible until January 19 at the museum which bears her name but which only had one painting by the artist (Barge on the Seine at La Roche-Guyon). Since October 18, the public has been able to admire: Small factory on the banks of the (1862), Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts; the Horse Market of the Saint-Martin Fair (1873), private collection; The coast of Mathurins (1873), Musée d’Orsay; La Diligence, route d’Ennery (1877), Musée d’Orsay; La Sente du Chou (1878), Chartreuse museum in Douai; Apple Trees and Poplars at Sunset (1901), MuMa Le Havre and the famous self-portrait of 1873, Musée d’Orsay. Two other works from Pissarro’s universe are also to be discovered. The Quai du Pothuis (1875) by Édouard Béliard, Étampes museum and a portrait of Edgar Degas by Marcellin Desboutins, museum. But also the very beautiful gouache Coin du jardin des Mathurins, chez Maria Deraismes, by Ludovic Piette.

Pissarro on the way to Pontoiseuntil January 19, 2025, 17, rue du Château. Wednesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on most public holidays. Full price €7, reduced price €5.5, free on the first Sunday of the month and on presentation of proof (under 18s, unemployed, ICOM, etc.). Such. : 01 30 73 90 77.

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