Artus: who is his wife Sarah Nasrallah?

Artus: who is his wife Sarah Nasrallah?
Artus: who is his wife Sarah Nasrallah?

Artus is a surprising man. After remaining silent for many months, he took to his social networks on May 23, 2023, to display his brand new figure. The comedian surprised all his fans with his impressive weight loss. He then explained that he lost no less than 35 kilos by following a strict diet and exercising with the help of a coach.
If he had the feeling of accepting himself, a traumatic experience experienced in July 2022 was the trigger for him. “I wanted to have a massage (…) The lady spoke with her colleague and said to me ‘You are too fat’. So I said to him: ‘How much can the tables support?’. She told me ‘200 kg, you are too big (..) You will damage my table’. I said: ‘Listen ma’am, I may be fat, but I weigh 125 kg’“, he explained while claiming to have been a victim of grossophobia.

In addition to wanting to feel better about himself and protect his health, if Artus made the choice to lose weight, it is also undoubtedly becausehe knew that a happy event was going to happen in his life. Indeed, Monday June 12, 2023, he revealed that he got married. He revealed some photos from the ceremony on his Instagram account. He said “yes” for life to Sarah Nasrallah, a young woman he met on the set of Dance with the stars in 2016. Of Lebanese origin, she works as an event organizer.

Artus slimmed and radiant in his groom’s outfit

The comedian then appeared wearing a suit jacket with a white t-shirt. He seemed to be happier than ever when he signed the register at the town hall. At his side, his wife, Sarah Nasrallah, was radiant in a white outfit. In the caption of the photos, he simply wrote two emojis glass of champagne and wedding ring.

Immediately, the actor’s fans were quick to congratulate him, including Enora Malagré, Jérémy Ferrari, Alice Bélaïdi and Chris Marques. Everyone wanted to highlight the beauty of the couple and wish them lots of happiness.



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